Dr. Martha Ehrich
Martha joined the Filmuniversity as a Postdoc responsible for the project management of the international research project „GEP Analysis: Assessing, Understanding, and Modeling the Impact of Gender Equity Policies (GEP) in the Film Industry“ (DFG/ESRC/SSHRC, 2021-2024) in April 2021. Prior to this Martha was employed as a research assistant at the Radboud University Nijmegen, while also obtaining their PhD degree in Management Science.
Martha's research interests lie broadly with interdisciplinary and multi-method network research in organisational cooperation. More specifically, Martha's research projects relate to different industry contexts, bridging critical management studies, critical political economy and feminist philosophy of science.
Ehrich, M. (forthcoming). Tensions and dialectics in the capitalist embeddedness of inter-organizational networks: A case study of network cooperation in the Dutch paper industry. Farol: Journal of Organizational Studies and Society (Special Issue on Economic Studies of Organizations).
Ehrich, M. (forthcoming). The Dutch Paper and Board Industry from 1580 to the Present: The Long Survival of a Small Industry. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ehrich, M. (forthcoming). Autoethnography. In Leo McCann, Ödül Bozkurt, Rachael Finn, Edward Granter, Nina Kivinen, Arun Kumar, Carolyn Hunter & Brian Wierman (eds.), Encyclopedia of Critical Management Studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Ehrich, M., Thiele, F., Loist, S. and Prommer, E. (2023) Netzwerke der Ungleichheit: Kodieren von Geschlecht und Ethnizität im Distributionsnetzwerk der Filmindustrie. In Niebling, L., Stollfuß, S., Raczkowski, F. (eds), Handbuch Digitale Medien und Methoden. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Ehrich, M. (2023). Being an academic ghostwriter: be(coming) me(thodology). In S. Robinson, A. Bristow & O. Ratle (eds), Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of academic life. New York, USA: Routledge.
Ehrich, M., Burgdorf, K., Samoilova, Z. and Loist, S. (2022). The film festival sector and its networked structures of gender inequality. Applied Network Science, 7(20). rdcu.be/cKKJS
Ehrich, M. (2022). Dialectical network analysis: A critical approach for researching networks in management and organization studies. In M. Godwyn (eds), Research Handbook on the Sociology of Organizations. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.125-144.
Ehrich, M. (2020). Neither new nor heterarchic. Inter-organizational networks throughout the history of the Dutch paper and board industry. Doctoral dissertation. Radboud University.