Barbara Falkner: Raumdramaturgische Strategien in postdigitalen Szenographien

Smart technologies of the postdigital modernity address spaces that are neither purely material nor purely digital. The focus on their accessibility and the associated for site-specific, postdigtal scenography.

Locative media connect geographical, physical and medial spaces. They create hybrid interstitial spaces that offer flui spatial experiences. Within them, various media and narrative formats can be merged, revealing a wide dramaturgical-spatial spectrum without making visible interventions in the space.
Therefore the use of locative media is interesting for postdigital critical scenography. Awarness of time, cultural memory and protection of biodiversity are – nowadays more than ever – political tasks. Experiencing the biodiverse nature and local history with an site-specific application in an multisensory and multidimensional manner becomes a fundamental political act, strengthening critical perception of space and inherent questions of propriety.
In between of its diverse spatial and temporal layers the Devil´s Hill of Berlin offers alternative (spatial) narratives. An app, centerd around Devil´s Hill of Berlin unveils  and makes them accessible for perception.
The artistic research explores the dramaturgical possibilities of crossmedia scenography in locative media. As part of theoretical research, the gained insights are connected to the reference system of contemporary scenography research and expand upon it.

  • Project lead: Barbara Falkner