NOISE* EXIST Women 2025 - Info-Session zu neuen Stipendien

NOISE* EXIST Women, our FLINTA* Creative Entrepreneurs program aims for all those of you who want to meet and grow your ideas. Experience the support of other amazing women*, sharing time and space to think, dream, chat and co-create in an environment without pressure and bad vibes. Envision business ideas - together with powerful and inspiring FLINTA*-coaches that help you and your projects grow.

Datum / Dauer:
13:30 – 15:24
 (öffnet Vergrößerung des Bildes)

The program offers not only community sessions, workshops, peer learning and coaching but also financial support for three months as well as material resources.

Sounds interesting? Learn more about NOISE* EXIST Women here.

We welcome you for a first exchange on the possibilities of this program here at Filmuni and therefore invite you to our info session.

Register hereto get all invitations and resources.
All applicants should book a consultation before the final deadline in February. Book a consultation.hkjh

Zoom-Link for the info session

FLINTA* is a German abbreviation that stands for "Frauen, Lesben, Intergeschlechtliche, nichtbinäre, trans und agender Personen", meaning women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people.
NOISE* Exist Women is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Affairs within the EXIST-Program.