
Die folgenden Listen, stellen lediglich die für das CX Studio relevanten Publikationen der beteiligten Personen dar.

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Prof. Dr. Angela Brennecke

  • Usabaev, B., Eschenbacher, A. & Brennecke, A. (2022). The Virtual Theremin: Designing an Interactive Digital Music Instrument for Film Scene Scoring. Accepted for i-com Journal of Interactive Media. Special Issue "Culture and Computer Science", De Gruyter 2022.

  • Püst, S., Gieseke, L., & Brennecke, A. (2021). Interaction Taxonomy for Sequencer- Based Music Performances. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2021), 2021, Online and NYI Shangai.

  • Brennecke, A., Traber, M., Stimberg, S., & Stockleben, B. (2020). Interactive Image Driven Sound. Mensch und Computer 2020, 6–9 September, 2020, Magdeburg, Germany, pp. 85–90.

  • Stimberg, S. & Brennecke, A. (2020). Bathing in Lightness: An Interactive Light and Sound Installation. Mensch und Computer 2020, 6–9 September, 2020, Magdeburg, Germany, pp. 501–504.

  • Elazari, H. & Brennecke, A. (2018). Memories - A Concept for an Interactive Projection Mapping Installation. Culture and Computer Science: Hybrid Systems, 24–25 May, 2018, Berlin, Germany, pp. 125–130.

  • Patz, N., Brennecke, A. Fuhrhop, C. (2016). Interactive Storytelling & Audio Apps for HbbTV. 9th Forum Media Technology & 2nd All Around Audio Symposium, 23–24 November, 2016, St. Pölten, Austria. Vortrag auf dem All Around Audio Symposium.

  • Brennecke, A. & Schumann, H. (2009). A General Framework for Digital Game- Based Training Systems. IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies, Algarve, Portugal, 17–23 June, 2009, pp. 51–58.

  • Brennecke, A. (2009). A General Framework for Digital Game-Based Training Systems. Dissertation. Universität Rostock.

  • Brennecke, A., Schlechtweg, S. & Schumann, H. (2008). Game-Based Training in an Interactive Environment by means of OpenCrimeScene. TPCG 2008 - The sixth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2008 Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, 09–11 June, 2008, pp. 167–170.

  • Brennecke, A., Schlechtweg, S. & Schumann, H. (2008). Game-Based Training in an Interactive Environment by means of OpenCrimeScene. TPCG 2008 - The sixth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2008 Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, 09–11 June, 2008, pp. 167–170.

  • Brennecke, A., Schlechtweg, S. & Strothotte, T. (2007). OpenCrimeScene Review Log: An Interaction Log in a Virtual Crime Scene Investigation Learning Environment. Second International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), Barcelona, Spain, 8–11 March, 2007, Volume AS/IE, pp. 185–190.

  • Isenberg, T. & Brennecke, A. (2006). G-Strokes: A Concept for Simplifying Line Stylization. Computer & Graphics, 30(5):754–766.

  • Isenberg, T., Brennecke, A., Sousa, M. C. & Carpendale, S. (2005). Beyond Pixels: Illustration with Vector Graphics. Technical Report. Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Canada.

  • Brennecke, A. (2004). G-Strokes zur Verbesserung von Liniengrafik-Rendering. Diplomarbeit. Otto–von–Guericke Universität Magdeburg.

  • Brennecke, A. & Isenberg, T. (2004). 3D Shape Matching Using Skeleton Graphs. Simulation & Visualisierung (SimVis), Magdeburg, Germany, 4–5 March, 2004, pp. 299– 310

Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke

  • Boudodimos, A. L. & Gieseke, L. (2022). Towards Production-Ready Machine Learning For Animation Cleanups. Proceedings of the The 19th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production.
  • Gieseke, L., Asente, P., Mech, R., Benes, B. & Fuchs, M. (2021). A Survey of Control Mechanisms for Creative Pattern Generation. Eurographics STAR, Computer Graphics Forum.
  • Püst, S., Brennecke, A. & Gieseke, L. (2021). Interaction Taxonomy for Sequencer-Based Music Performances. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
  • Gieseke, L., Asente, P. &  Lu, J. (2019). Interactive generation of procedural ornaments. Patent US20180101972A1.
  • Gieseke, L. (2018). Control mechanisms for the procedural generation of visual pattern designs. Dissertation. Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Universität Stuttgart.

  • Gieseke, L., Asente, P., Lu, J. & Fuchs, M. (2017). Organized Order in Ornamentation. Proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Aesthetics.

  • Gieseke, L., Klingel, S. & Fuchs, M. (2015). Shake it up – Image Decomposition and Rearrangements of Its Constituents. Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Aesthetics.

  • Gieseke, L., Koch, S., Hahn, J.-U. & Fuchs, M. (2014). Interactive Parameter Retrieval For Two-Tone Procedural Textures. Computer Graphics Forum 33 (4), pp. 71–79.

  • Gieseke, L., Koch, S., Hahn, J.-U. & Fuchs, M. (2014). Applying state-of-the-art parameter retrieval for procedural textures. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference for Visual Media Production.

  • Gieseke, L., Koch, S., Hahn, J.-U. & Fuchs, M. (2014). Towards visually assisted navigation of large parameter spaces. Proceedings of the Workshop Big Data Visual Computing – Quantitative Perspectives for Visual Computing.

  • Fuchs, M., Koch, S., Gieseke, L., Mozer, F. & Eberhardt, B. (2013). Towards a Practical Gamut of Appearance Acquisition. Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling: Issues and Acquisition 2013, pp. 21-23.

Prof. Dr. Björn Stockleben

  • Lugmayr, A., Stockleben, B., Risse, T., Kaario, J., & Pogorelc, B. (o. J.). New business, design and models to create semantic ambient media experiences. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1–5.

  • Lugmayr, A., Zou, Y., Stockleben, B., Lindfors, K., & Melakoski, C. (o. J.). Categorization of ambient media projects on their business models, innovativeness, and characteristics—Evaluation of Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Award Projects of 2010. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1–25.

  • Pogorelc, B., Lugmayr, A., Stockleben, B., Vatavu, R.-D., Tahmasebi, N., Serral, E., Stojmenova, E., Imperl, B., Risse, T., Zenz, G., & Gams, M. (o. J.). Ambient bloom: New business, content, design and models to increase the semantic ambient media experience. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1–26.

  • Stockleben, B. (2021). Collaborative Online Creativity for Interdisciplinary Design Processes: A framework for supporting online creative processes through socio-technical environments. Itä-Suomen yliopisto.

  • Lugmayr, A., Stockleben, B., Scheib, C., & Mailaparampil, M. A. (2017). Cognitive big data: Survey and review on big data research and its implications. What is really “new” in big data? Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(1), 197–212.

  • Stockleben, B., Thayne, M., Jäminki, S., Haukijärvi, I., Mavengere, N. B., Demirbilek, M., & Ruohonen, M. (2017). Towards a framework for creative online collaboration: A research on challenges and context. Education and Information Technologies, 22(2), 575–597.

  • Stockleben, B., & Lugmayr, A. (2016). The Impact of Fluid Publishing on Media Information Management—A Survey of Latest Journalistic Trends as Data-Driven Journalism, Journalism as Process and Metrics-Driven Journalism. In Information Systems and Management in Media and Entertainment Industries, pp. 299–318. Springer.

  • Thayne, M., Stockleben, B., Jäminki, S., Haukijärvi, I., Mavengere, N., Demirbilek, M., & Ruohonen, M. (2015). OnCreate and the virtual teammate: An analysis of online creative processes and remote collaboration. IFIP TC3 Working Conference „A New Culture of Learning: Computing and next Generations“ Proceedings, 253–263.

  • Lugmayr, A., Stockleben, B., Zou, Y., Anzenhofer, S., & Jalonen, M. (2014). Applying “Design Thinking” in the context of media management education. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 71(1), 119–157.

  • Stockleben, B. (2014). Marktforschung vs. User Experience Research: Der böse Zwilling? In Think CROSS - Change MEDIA. Crossmedia im Jahr 2014—Eine Standortbestimmung, pp. 134–155. BoD – Books on Demand.

  • Stockleben, B., & Lugmayr, A. (2013). Issues and topics to consider for information management research in eMedia industries. International SERIES on Information Systems and Management in Creative eMedia, 2, 42–46.

  • Pogorelc, B., Vatavu, R.-D., Lugmayr, A., Stockleben, B., Risse, T., Kaario, J., Lomonaco, E. C., & Gams, M. (2012). Semantic ambient media: From ambient advertising to ambient-assisted living. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 58(2), 399–425.

  • Stockleben, B. (2012). Entrepreneurial Journalism im Kontext der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie. Think CROSS-Change MEDIA: Eine Standortbestimmung im Jahr 2012, 104.

  • Stockleben, B., & De Abreu Pereira, N. (2011). Radio Frames—Personalization of audio programs. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), 306–310.

  • Lugmayr, A., Risse, T., Stockleben, B., Laurila, K., & Kaario, J. (2009). Semantic ambient media—An introduction. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 44(3), 337–359.