Die folgenden Listen, stellen lediglich die für das CX Studio relevanten Publikationen der beteiligten Personen dar.
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Prof. Dr. Angela Brennecke
Usabaev, B., Eschenbacher, A. & Brennecke, A. (2022). The Virtual Theremin: Designing an Interactive Digital Music Instrument for Film Scene Scoring. Accepted for i-com Journal of Interactive Media. Special Issue "Culture and Computer Science", De Gruyter 2022.
Püst, S., Gieseke, L., & Brennecke, A. (2021). Interaction Taxonomy for Sequencer- Based Music Performances. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2021), 2021, Online and NYI Shangai.
Brennecke, A., Traber, M., Stimberg, S., & Stockleben, B. (2020). Interactive Image Driven Sound. Mensch und Computer 2020, 6–9 September, 2020, Magdeburg, Germany, pp. 85–90.
Stimberg, S. & Brennecke, A. (2020). Bathing in Lightness: An Interactive Light and Sound Installation. Mensch und Computer 2020, 6–9 September, 2020, Magdeburg, Germany, pp. 501–504.
Elazari, H. & Brennecke, A. (2018). Memories - A Concept for an Interactive Projection Mapping Installation. Culture and Computer Science: Hybrid Systems, 24–25 May, 2018, Berlin, Germany, pp. 125–130.
Patz, N., Brennecke, A. Fuhrhop, C. (2016). Interactive Storytelling & Audio Apps for HbbTV. 9th Forum Media Technology & 2nd All Around Audio Symposium, 23–24 November, 2016, St. Pölten, Austria. Vortrag auf dem All Around Audio Symposium.
Brennecke, A. & Schumann, H. (2009). A General Framework for Digital Game- Based Training Systems. IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies, Algarve, Portugal, 17–23 June, 2009, pp. 51–58.
Brennecke, A. (2009). A General Framework for Digital Game-Based Training Systems. Dissertation. Universität Rostock.
Brennecke, A., Schlechtweg, S. & Schumann, H. (2008). Game-Based Training in an Interactive Environment by means of OpenCrimeScene. TPCG 2008 - The sixth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2008 Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, 09–11 June, 2008, pp. 167–170.
Brennecke, A., Schlechtweg, S. & Schumann, H. (2008). Game-Based Training in an Interactive Environment by means of OpenCrimeScene. TPCG 2008 - The sixth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2008 Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, 09–11 June, 2008, pp. 167–170.
Brennecke, A., Schlechtweg, S. & Strothotte, T. (2007). OpenCrimeScene Review Log: An Interaction Log in a Virtual Crime Scene Investigation Learning Environment. Second International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), Barcelona, Spain, 8–11 March, 2007, Volume AS/IE, pp. 185–190.
Isenberg, T. & Brennecke, A. (2006). G-Strokes: A Concept for Simplifying Line Stylization. Computer & Graphics, 30(5):754–766.
Isenberg, T., Brennecke, A., Sousa, M. C. & Carpendale, S. (2005). Beyond Pixels: Illustration with Vector Graphics. Technical Report. Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Canada.
Brennecke, A. (2004). G-Strokes zur Verbesserung von Liniengrafik-Rendering. Diplomarbeit. Otto–von–Guericke Universität Magdeburg.
Brennecke, A. & Isenberg, T. (2004). 3D Shape Matching Using Skeleton Graphs. Simulation & Visualisierung (SimVis), Magdeburg, Germany, 4–5 March, 2004, pp. 299– 310
Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke
- Boudodimos, A. L. & Gieseke, L. (2022). Towards Production-Ready Machine Learning For Animation Cleanups. Proceedings of the The 19th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production.
- Gieseke, L., Asente, P., Mech, R., Benes, B. & Fuchs, M. (2021). A Survey of Control Mechanisms for Creative Pattern Generation. Eurographics STAR, Computer Graphics Forum.
- Püst, S., Brennecke, A. & Gieseke, L. (2021). Interaction Taxonomy for Sequencer-Based Music Performances. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
- Gieseke, L., Asente, P. & Lu, J. (2019). Interactive generation of procedural ornaments. Patent US20180101972A1.
Gieseke, L. (2018). Control mechanisms for the procedural generation of visual pattern designs. Dissertation. Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Universität Stuttgart.
Gieseke, L., Asente, P., Lu, J. & Fuchs, M. (2017). Organized Order in Ornamentation. Proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Aesthetics.
Gieseke, L., Klingel, S. & Fuchs, M. (2015). Shake it up – Image Decomposition and Rearrangements of Its Constituents. Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Aesthetics.
Gieseke, L., Koch, S., Hahn, J.-U. & Fuchs, M. (2014). Interactive Parameter Retrieval For Two-Tone Procedural Textures. Computer Graphics Forum 33 (4), pp. 71–79.
Gieseke, L., Koch, S., Hahn, J.-U. & Fuchs, M. (2014). Applying state-of-the-art parameter retrieval for procedural textures. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference for Visual Media Production.
Gieseke, L., Koch, S., Hahn, J.-U. & Fuchs, M. (2014). Towards visually assisted navigation of large parameter spaces. Proceedings of the Workshop Big Data Visual Computing – Quantitative Perspectives for Visual Computing.
Fuchs, M., Koch, S., Gieseke, L., Mozer, F. & Eberhardt, B. (2013). Towards a Practical Gamut of Appearance Acquisition. Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling: Issues and Acquisition 2013, pp. 21-23.
Prof. Dr. Björn Stockleben
Lugmayr, A., Stockleben, B., Risse, T., Kaario, J., & Pogorelc, B. (o. J.). New business, design and models to create semantic ambient media experiences. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1–5.
Lugmayr, A., Zou, Y., Stockleben, B., Lindfors, K., & Melakoski, C. (o. J.). Categorization of ambient media projects on their business models, innovativeness, and characteristics—Evaluation of Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Award Projects of 2010. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1–25.
Pogorelc, B., Lugmayr, A., Stockleben, B., Vatavu, R.-D., Tahmasebi, N., Serral, E., Stojmenova, E., Imperl, B., Risse, T., Zenz, G., & Gams, M. (o. J.). Ambient bloom: New business, content, design and models to increase the semantic ambient media experience. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1–26.
Stockleben, B. (2021). Collaborative Online Creativity for Interdisciplinary Design Processes: A framework for supporting online creative processes through socio-technical environments. Itä-Suomen yliopisto.
Lugmayr, A., Stockleben, B., Scheib, C., & Mailaparampil, M. A. (2017). Cognitive big data: Survey and review on big data research and its implications. What is really “new” in big data? Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(1), 197–212.
Stockleben, B., Thayne, M., Jäminki, S., Haukijärvi, I., Mavengere, N. B., Demirbilek, M., & Ruohonen, M. (2017). Towards a framework for creative online collaboration: A research on challenges and context. Education and Information Technologies, 22(2), 575–597.
Stockleben, B., & Lugmayr, A. (2016). The Impact of Fluid Publishing on Media Information Management—A Survey of Latest Journalistic Trends as Data-Driven Journalism, Journalism as Process and Metrics-Driven Journalism. In Information Systems and Management in Media and Entertainment Industries, pp. 299–318. Springer.
Thayne, M., Stockleben, B., Jäminki, S., Haukijärvi, I., Mavengere, N., Demirbilek, M., & Ruohonen, M. (2015). OnCreate and the virtual teammate: An analysis of online creative processes and remote collaboration. IFIP TC3 Working Conference „A New Culture of Learning: Computing and next Generations“ Proceedings, 253–263.
Lugmayr, A., Stockleben, B., Zou, Y., Anzenhofer, S., & Jalonen, M. (2014). Applying “Design Thinking” in the context of media management education. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 71(1), 119–157.
Stockleben, B. (2014). Marktforschung vs. User Experience Research: Der böse Zwilling? In Think CROSS - Change MEDIA. Crossmedia im Jahr 2014—Eine Standortbestimmung, pp. 134–155. BoD – Books on Demand.
Stockleben, B., & Lugmayr, A. (2013). Issues and topics to consider for information management research in eMedia industries. International SERIES on Information Systems and Management in Creative eMedia, 2, 42–46.
Pogorelc, B., Vatavu, R.-D., Lugmayr, A., Stockleben, B., Risse, T., Kaario, J., Lomonaco, E. C., & Gams, M. (2012). Semantic ambient media: From ambient advertising to ambient-assisted living. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 58(2), 399–425.
Stockleben, B. (2012). Entrepreneurial Journalism im Kontext der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie. Think CROSS-Change MEDIA: Eine Standortbestimmung im Jahr 2012, 104.
Stockleben, B., & De Abreu Pereira, N. (2011). Radio Frames—Personalization of audio programs. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), 306–310.
Lugmayr, A., Risse, T., Stockleben, B., Laurila, K., & Kaario, J. (2009). Semantic ambient media—An introduction. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 44(3), 337–359.