Digital Archives
Film archives are rarely archives in the classical sense, but rather hybrid institutions that often face difficult issues regarding cataloguing and metadata maintenance, transparency and accessibility due to their genesis and complex film rights. In the course of digitisation, they are faced with the challenge of changing workflows, strategies and working principles as well as training new skills. In view of this, we decided to set up the Summer School "Digital Archives" together with the Bundesarchiv and the Deutsche Kinemathek and with the support of the FIAF.
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The Summer School "Digital Archives" is organised by the Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF (Filmuni Summer School) in cooperation with the Bundesarchiv and the Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin and with the support of the FIAF Cataloguing & Documentation Commission. From 2021 until 2022 it was conceived by Dr. Adelheid Heftberger, Jürgen Keiper and Prof. Dr. Chris Wahl.