Exchange Study/Outgoing

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Partner Universities

Please inform yourself here about our current partner universities.

Places at the respective partner universities are limited to a certain number and partly to certain study programs.

Please inform yourself conscientiously and apply in time at the International Office of the Film University.

Internal Application

Film University students first apply internally at the International Office of the Film University. Please use the following two forms for this purpose: The Application Form and the Honorary Declaration (if required).

Please send both together with the required supporting documents to internationaloffice(at)

A complete application consists of:

  • the fully completed application form
  • Honorary Top Ups statement (if required)
  • Transcript of Records (please do not submit individual transcripts)
  • Evidence of relevant language skills

Please make sure that your application is complete. No missing documents will be requested. If you have any questions, please contact the International Office at internationaloffice(at)

Application Deadlines

The application deadlines for the International Office are:

For the following winter semester: February 15.

For the following summer semester: July 15

External application to the partner university

The entire application process takes place in three steps:

  1. The internal application to the International Office of the Film University (see above).
  2. The International Office nominates the exchange students at the partner university
  3. The partner university subsequently contacts the applicants and provides more detailed information on the required application documents. As a rule, at least a recommendation from the Film University program and a current portfolio are required.

Note scholarship deadlines, visa requirements, accommodation, and any required vaccinations early on.


Recognition of work performed abroad

For an Erasmus grant you need 30 open credit points (at least 15 LP), which you should acquire during the exchange semester.

To ensure the recognition of the acquired credit points, a Learning Agreement will be concluded. Your course selection will be agreed upon with your local study program as well as the host university and confirmed by both parties by signature.

After your return, you submit the Learning Agreement with the Transcript of Records of the partner university to the examination office. Your academic achievements will be recognized there.

Factsheet Recognition in the Erasmus+ Programme

Learning Agreement:

From now on, all Learning Agreements should be created and sent via the OLA portal. As soon as you have sent the Learning Agreement, please write us a short confirmation via e-mail to: internationaloffice(at)

Insurance Information

Health insurance (mandatory!)

Please inform yourself at your health insurance about your insurance status abroad in any case!

If you have statutory, family or private student insurance, your German insurance will cover basic care during your stay in a European (!) country abroad via the European Health Insurance Card (usually found on the back of your health insurance card).

Please note that treatment costs abroad can be higher than in Germany. The German KV will only cover treatment costs up to a level that is customary in Germany. The difference in costs, additional services or any required advance payments must be borne by the insured. An additional (private) health insurance can be useful.

If you plan to travel to a country for which a pandemic warning has been issued by the German Foreign Office, it is necessary to check whether your health insurance also applies in this case.

Accident insurance (optional)

There is NO accident insurance for students of the Film University during their voluntary stay abroad. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you take out additional private accident insurance for the duration of your stay.

Your health insurance will only cover initial medical care in the event of an accident, but will not cover possible consequential damages (e.g. disability). When taking out accident insurance, you should always make sure that it is not travel insurance and that the insurance covers private accidents.


Liability insurance (optional)

A liability insurance covers damages caused by the participant during the stay abroad. The production liability insurance, which is included in the semester fee of the Film University, is not valid abroad. (It only applies to student productions that are created in the area of responsibility of the Film University in Germany and is not a private liability insurance or one that applies to the workplace).

Since the insurance coverage in the destination country may not meet the minimum standards you are accustomed to in Germany, the DAAD group insurance (combined health, accident and liability insurance), which also covers you in the event of a pandemic, can be used as a supplement.

The reference to the DAAD insurance is non-binding. Please first consult with your current health insurance company about reasonable supplements regarding your insurance.


Link collection for studying abroad




EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students

Erasmus+ is the European Union's funding program for university exchanges. Students who spend an exchange semester at a partner university of the Filmuni can be funded with a monthly scholarship amount.

An Erasmus grant is not full funding. As an Erasmus student, you are exempt from tuition fees and benefit from credit transfer for credits earned.



Destination Country



Group 1: Program countries with high cost of living

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden.

Partner countries from region 14 Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom

600 €

Group 2:

Program countries with medium cost of living

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain.

Partner countries from region 13 (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City State)

540 €

Group 3:

Program countries with low cost of living

Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Northern Macedonia, Turkey

490 €

Possibility of promotion for Green Travel: possible promotion with one time 50€.

"Green Travel" means travel that uses low-emission means of transportation such as bus, train or carpooling. Proof of travel to and from the destination must be provided with the relevant travel receipts. Arrival and departure must be via Green Travel. Travel days may be requested for the longer trip.

Funding by Top Up: possible funding with 250€ per month

The 2022 program introduced Top Ups as an additional funding option for students with fewer opportunities. Please note that the criteria are not cumulative and only one Top Up can be applied for.

  1. Employed students: eligible to apply if they have a continuous monthly net income of 450-850€ in the 6 months preceding the mobility. Employment must be suspended during the exchange semester.
  2. Students with child: the child/children accompany the student(s) during the entire stay.
  3. Students with first degree: both parents do not hold a degree from a university or university of applied sciences
  4. Students with chronic illness: in case of chronic illness with additional needs abroad (regular examinations/treatments required)


The DAAD's PROMOS program is designed to give students who do not participate in one of the structured programs such as Erasmus+ the opportunity to spend time abroad. Subject to the allocation of funds by the DAAD, the Film University invites applications for the following funding:

Application periods:

May 15 for stays from July to December.

November 15 for stays from January to June

Target group: All students with German citizenship or BAföG entitlement as well as non-German students and graduates with the aim of obtaining a degree at the Filmuniversität are eligible to apply.  They must be enrolled at the Filmuniversität and demonstrate above-average academic performance.

The amount of the scholarship rates and travel allowances depends on the respective destination country! A detailed listing is available for download here.

Please note the following:

  • Travel to countries for which a travel warning exists is excluded from PROMOS funding.
  • The minimum duration of stay of 1 month (=30 days) must be given for study visits. A description of the funding conditions is available for download here.
  • For non-German nationals, stays in the home country are excluded. The home country is the country in which the student/doctoral candidate has predominantly resided for at least five years.
  • No project-related costs can be funded with PROMOS.

Application documents:

  • the completed application form
  • Letter of application with justification of the study project (1-2 pages)
  • Letter of confirmation or contract of the activity abroad, period of time, in case of excursions a list of participants has to be enclosed as well
  • Report of a professor/lecturer, a professor/lecturer's assistant
  • Transcript of Records (available upon request at the examination office)
  • For theses: a timetable that can later be used to monitor success, as well as confirmation from the supervisor that the project is fully supported.

Please send your application by e-mail to internationaloffice(at)

Scholarships within the framework of PROMOS are awarded on the basis of the written application by the presidium of the Film University. There will be no selection interviews.

Please make sure that your application documents are complete and feel free to contact the International Office if you have any questions in advance. No additional documents will be requested.


Bafög Abroad

Students who do not receive domestic BAföG due to their parents' income may also be eligible for funding through Auslands-BAföG, as the income limits are higher here. More information can be found on the pages of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

DAAD scholarship database

The DAAD offers further funding opportunities for students who would like to go abroad. Please inform yourself very early, as the application deadlines vary and are sometimes far in advance of the actual stay!

Here you can find the DAAD scholarship database.

More Information about scholarships