The training provided focuses on the artistic, practical, and technological basics of all classic, experimental, and digital 2D and 3D animation techniques.
What makes the film university's Animation B.F.A. program unique is that it allows students to take responsibility for all steps in the production of an animated film – from the development of the first idea, the story, and the visual style to the creation of a storyboard, character design, and artistic / technical implementation as well as sound recording and film playout. Artistic, dramatic, and technical advice is provided primarily in one-to-one sessions to ensure project-specific guidance and the development of an individual artistic style. The emphasis of the program is on practical exercises.
At the film university, students benefit from interdisciplinary theoretical education and exchange as well as from access to the university's outstanding, state-of-the-art technological equipment – which includes analogue and digital animation studios, 2D and 3D computer animation labs, a render farm, video and audio editing workstations, compositing suites as well as a motion capture system and student work rooms.
The goal of the program is to provide students with knowledge and an understanding of all fundamentals required to produce animated auteur films. In their Bachelor's project, students put this knowledge into practice.
After graduation, our graduates find their way to animation studios in Germany and abroad as animators, directors or specialists such as storyboard artists or character TDs. Beyond that, our alumni found studios that successfully produce a wide variety of formats in the field of animation. A selection of studios founded by our alumni:

Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)
Standard Period of Study: 8 Semesters
Start of Course: Winter Semester