International Partnerships
The Film University is connected worldwide to a number of partner universities, non-university institutions in the fields of science and culture, media businesses, and the creative industry. Our numerous contacts allow for fruitful international collaboration in learning, teaching, research, and administration – which includes student exchange programs, joint film projects, summer schools and workshops, internships, visiting lectureships, and collaborative research projects. At present, we are working on the expansion and strategic development of our university partnerships.
Erasmus+ partnerships:
We currently have 29 Erasmus+ partners in 15 countries.
Global partnerships:
We currently have collaboration agreements with 5 universities in 4 countries.
Non EU Partnerships
International Networks
The Film University is a member of the following international networks:
- CILECT (Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Télévision)
The International Association of Film and Television Schools includes leading film schools from across the globe. Its goal is to foster exchange and collaboration among its members and to promote young talent in the fields of film, television, and related media. In particular, CILECT is committed to improving standards in education and training and utilizing the potential of new technologies in education, information, and entertainment. - ELIA (European League of Institutes of the Arts)
ELIA provides its members with the opportunity to share knowledge and exchange best practices, thus supporting communication between institutions and stimulating academic/artistic innovation. ELIA's key task is to represent and advocate the interests of its members on the European level. - Film School Network Africa
Established by the Goethe Institute and the Federal Foreign Office in 2016, the Film School Network aims at sustainably strengthening film education and film industries in Africa. The project encompasses joint conferences, summer schools, workshops, and bilateral residence programs. The network consists of African and German film schools.