The Film University's research projects cover the entire range of thinking about and with moving images. All project formats are represented, from short-term explorations to multi-year externally funded projects. The division into scientific, scientific/artistic, and arts-based/practice-based research serves as an orientation on fundamental research perspectives that are mutually complementary.
This distinction can be roughly outlined as follows: scientific research develops verifiable arguments and findings that are supported by proven methods and integrated into the discourses of scientific disciplines. At the Film University, approaches from film, media and communication studies are in exchange with each other.
Scientific/artistic research combines the two approaches outlined above and seeks insights that hold up both scientifically and artistically. This category also includes research projects that take place within the context of the scientific/artistic PhD program. Arts-based/practice-based research emphasizes the intertwining of knowledge, aesthetic experience, and artistic practice. It understands the process of artistic creation as a process of exploration and cognition and film as a medium of thought and reflection. The Film University's activities in this area are bundled and supported by the Institute for Artistic Research (IKF).
Filmuni proudly presents
The proudly presents format, alternating between an event and a publication, offers a summarized overview of the Film University's research activities. Interested parties are welcome to register HERE in the corresponding mailing list.
- OMNI Inclusion Data Pilot Studie
- The German Impact on the Emergence of Turkish "National Cinema" (1914-1922)
- IMPULSE - IMmersive digitisation: uPcycling cULtural heritage towards new reviving StratEgies
- Film festivals in Argentina: an approach to Centre-Periphery dynamics in South American film cultures
- QUADRIGA Competence Centre for Data Literacy Berlin-Brandenburg
- Listening to Climate Change: The Role of Sound and New Media Formats for Enhancing Environmental Perception
- Green Education in Media (GEM)
- The Digital Video Essay
- Body of Waste
- DFG Project: Norms of Visual Self-Representation in Adolescent Identity Construction. Norms Negotiation, Change and Impact on Instagram and Snapchat (NoViS)
Dr. Stella Donata HaagMore information: Dr. Stella Donata Haag Head of Research & Innovation