Scientific-Artistic Research
Scientific/artistic research combines the two approaches outlined above and seeks insights that hold up both scientifically and artistically. This category also includes research projects that take place within the context of the scientific/artistic PhD program.
- IMPULSE - IMmersive digitisation: uPcycling cULtural heritage towards new reviving StratEgies
- Listening to Climate Change: The Role of Sound and New Media Formats for Enhancing Environmental Perception
- Green Education in Media (GEM)
- The Digital Video Essay
- Volumetric Contemporary Testimony of Holocaust Survivors
- Futures Art School Trends - 2045
- Collisions - Colliding media forms as a new way to access digital heritage
- SPUR.lab - Site Specific Augmented Storytelling Lab
- Emerging Media Exploration (EMEX)
- Virtual History