Scientific Research
Scientific research develops verifiable arguments and findings that are supported by proven methods and integrated into the discourses of scientific disciplines. At the Film University, approaches from film, media and communication studies are in exchange with each other.
- OMNI Inclusion Data Pilot Studie
- The German Impact on the Emergence of Turkish "National Cinema" (1914-1922)
- Film festivals in Argentina: an approach to Centre-Periphery dynamics in South American film cultures
- QUADRIGA Competence Centre for Data Literacy Berlin-Brandenburg
- DFG Project: Norms of Visual Self-Representation in Adolescent Identity Construction. Norms Negotiation, Change and Impact on Instagram and Snapchat (NoViS)
- Images with Consequences – An Archaeology of Iconic Film Footage from the Nazi Era
- Gender Equity Policy (GEP) Analysis
- Pedagogical Relationships in Digitally Supported Educational Processes (PaedBez).
- Animation and Contemporary Media Culture. Challenges and Potentials of Animation Studies in the Digital Era
- Research Ethics in Communication and Media Studies (FEKOM)