QUADRIGA Competence Centre for Data Literacy Berlin-Brandenburg

The Film University Babelsberg is part of the Competence Centre for Data Literacy QUADRIGA Berlin-Brandenburg, which combines the disciplines of Digital Humanities, Administrative Science, Computer Science and Information Science. The focus is on the promotion of data-based research, learning and teaching. As part of the project, case studies and teaching materials for the data type "moving image" are being developed at the Film University Babelsberg.

Project start:
Project completion:
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The QUADRIGA Competence Centre for Data Literacy Berlin-Brandenburg aims to promote the proficient handling of data in an increasingly digitized world. It brings together the disciplines of Digital Humanities, Administrative Sciences, Computer Science, and Information Science. The project is divided into several areas focusing on the data types of text, tables, and moving images. QUADRIGA is structured into research sites, learning sites, and networking sites, the cooperating partners are the University of Potsdam, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Fraunhofer FOKUS, the Freie Universität Berlin, the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, the Technische Universität Berlin, and the Gesellschaft für Informatik.
At the research sites, case studies on the three data types are conducted, datasets are collected, methods are tested, and standards are developed. Together with the learning sites, the research sites - based on the case studies - create teaching materials and resources for handling data in research. These educational offerings are directed at researchers at all career stages who wish to educate themselves in the field of data literacy. The networking sites open up spaces for exchange and communicate the work of the Competence Centre for Data Literacy through innovative formats.
At the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF as research site within the QUADRIGA project, two case studies are conducted. The first case study deals with student films from the university's archive from the years 1985-1999. Using digital tools for film analysis, the study aims to investigate whether stylistic and thematic changes can be observed in the films produced during this period and how these changes can be linked back to the social, political, and economic context of the time. The second case study will build upon the results of the first. The focus of the case study is on the development of teaching materials, here specifically on data-based film studies and research on film history.
Further information can be found on the websiteof the QUADRIGA Competence Centre for Data Literacy Berlin-Brandenburg.

  • Lead Principal Investigators

Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke
Prof. Dr. Skadi Loist

  • Project Team:

Dr. Thomas Schick