Film Music
In an intense film experience, the score often plays a particularly important role. Music intensifies perception, is able to enhance the atmosphere of a film, emotionalizes, structures narrative sequences, creates connections in terms content, and highlights dramaturgical elements. Music is able to describe characters and to interpret the narrative in its own way.
The Film Music Master program is for young musicians with good composing skills and the ability to work in different styles. However, the application by students with different profiles in terms of musical styles (Classical, Pop, Jazz, etc.) is possible - and indeed desired. The successful completion of a Bachelor's or German Diplom program in the field of music is a prerequisite for admission.
The program comprises personalized instruction, lectures, small-sized courses, and interdisciplinary projects allowing for the collaboration with other programs. Students are provided with theoretical and dramaturgical knowledge, improve their skills in the fields of composition and music production, critically discuss issues in media theory, and develop their own artistic approach. The integration of the program into the film university's interdisciplinary concept results in a wide range of opportunities to collaborate with students from other programs in university projects. During the implementation of these projects, Film Music students have the tasks to integrate themselves into the production teams, to collaboratively develop and communicate suitable film music concepts as well as to compose and produce scores.
The university's technical equipment and facilities - such as recording studios that are available to both Film Music and Sound for Picture students, a sequencing workstation for pre-production, and several grand pianos - offer perfect conditions.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the Film Music program have the qualifications to work as freelance composers for film and media. Besides this core occupational profile, the program also prepares students for careers in music in the fields of advertising, theater, and audio plays. Moreover, graduates possess the skills and knowledge to work as music producers, music supervisors, television music journalists, or orchestrators.
Degree: Master of Music (M.Mus.)
Program Duration: 6 semesters (120 LP)
Program Entry: Winter term
Program Office
Cornelia PawlettaMore information: Cornelia Pawletta Büro der Studiengänge Filmmusik | Szenografie