Prof. Dr. Skadi Loist
Skadi Loist studied American Literature and Culture and Media Studies with some Art History and Gender/Queer Studies at the University of Hamburg and Smith College in Northampton/MA, USA. After working on a PhD project for two years with a scholarship from the DFG Graduate School in Frankfurt/Main, Skadi returned to the Institute for Media and Communication at the University of Hamburg as Lecturer and earned a PhD with a thesis on queer film festivals and film culture in 2015. Between 2014 and 2017 Skadi was a lecturer at the Institute for Media Research at the University of Rostock and is Principle Investigator for the research project “Film Circulation on the International Film Festival Network and the Impact on Global Film Culture” funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, 2017-2022).
Since February 2018, Skadi has been working as professor at the interdisciplinary post for Production Cultures in Audiovisual Media Industries, first as Visiting Professor, since October 2020 as Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessor). Between 2021 and 2024 Skadi was Lead PI for the international research project „GEP Analysis: Assessing, Understanding, and Modeling the Impact of Gender Equity Policies (GEP) in the Film Industry“ (DFG/ESRC/SSHRC).
Furthermore, Skadi is founder of the Film Festival Research Network (FFRN); former chair of the Media Industries workgroup at the Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM) (2012-22); former Steering Committee member of the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS) (2015-21) and Editorial Board member of NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies.
Further information at:
Film and Media Studies; Media Industries Studies
Key Subjects in Teaching and Research
- Developments in film and media industries with a focus on fair working conditions, gender equality and diversity, sustainability and green producing
- Film festivals
- Circulation and distribution
- Digital Humanities & methods
- Queer film culture
- Gender/queer theories in media and communications studies
- Media theory from film theory to social media
- European Cinema, World Cinema
- PI on research project “OMNI Inlcusion Data pilot study.” Collaboration & Funding: MOIN Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, 2024.
- CI on research project “QUADRIGA Competence Centre for Data Literacy Berlin-Brandenburg” , Subproject „Digital Humanities for Audiovisual Content in the Focus Research Spaces“ (DHBBFB). With CI Lena Gieseke. Funding: BMBF, 2023-2026.
- Lead PI on research project “GEP Analysis: Assessing, Understanding, and Modeling the Impact of Gender Equity Policies (GEP) in the Film Industry.” With CI Elizabeth Prommer, PI Deb Verhoeven, CI Amanda Coles, PI Doris Eikhof. Funding: DFG/ESRC/SSHRC, 2021-2024.
- PI on research project “Film Circulation on the International Film Festival Network and the Impact on Global Film Culture.” Funding: BMBF, 2017-2022. URL:
- Member of the DFG Research network „New Directions in Film Historiography. Digital Tools and Methods in Film and Media Studies.” Funding: DFG, 2019-2022. PI: Sarah-Mai Dang.
- International Screen Industries Consortium (ISICon). PI on funding for “Gender Inequality in Global Screen Industries”. With CIs Elizabeth Prommer, Christine Linke, Deb Verhoeven and Amanda Coles. Funding: DAAD, 2018-2019.
- Film Festival Research Network (FFRN). Founded with Marijke de Valck. Since 2008. URL:
Publications (Selected)
In full here: ORCID ID:
- Loist, Skadi, Deb Verhoeven, Doris Ruth Eikhof, Elizabeth Prommer, Martha E. Ehrich, Pete Jones, Kevin Guyan, Amanda Coles, Sophie Radziwill and Aresh Dadlani. 2024. Re-Framing the Picture: An International Comparative Assessment of Gender Equity Policies in the Film Sector. Full Report Gender Equity Policy (GEP) Analysis Project. Potsdam: Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF.
- Loist, Skadi, and Martha E. Ehrich, eds. 2024. Technical Appendix of the Gender Equity Policy (GEP) Analysis Project Report “Re-Framing the Picture”. Potsdam: Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF.
- Loist, Skadi, and Zhenya Samoilova. 2023. „How to capture the festival network: Reflections on the Film Circulation dataset.“ NECSUS. European Journal of Media Studies 12 (1): 363–90.
- Loist, Skadi, and Evgenia Samoilova. 2023. „Film Circulation Dataset.“ Zenodo.
- Loist, Skadi, and Sarah Herbst. 2021. The Results of the FAIR FESTIVAL AWARD Survey 2020. Berlin, Potsdam.
- Loist, Skadi, and Deb Verhoeven, eds. 2019. „Gendered Media Production.“ Special Section, Media Industries 6, Nr. 1.
- Dawson, Leanne, and Skadi Loist, eds. 2018. „Queer/ing Film Festivals.“ Special issue, Studies in European Cinema 15, Nr. 1.
- Krauß, Florian, and Skadi Loist, eds. 2018. „Medienindustrien: Aktuelle Perspektiven aus der deutschsprachigen Medienwissenschaft.“ Sonderheft, Navigationen 18, Nr. 2.
- Loist, Skadi, ed. 2017. „Teaching European Cinema: The European University Film Award (EUFA) Project.“ Dossier, Alphaville, Nr. 14.
- de Valck, Marijke, Brendan Kredell, and Skadi Loist, eds. 2016. Film Festivals: History, Theory, Method, Practice. London, New York: Routledge.
- Prommer, Elizabeth, and Skadi Loist. 2016.
Where Are the Women Directors? National Report – Germany. EWA – European Women’s Audiovisual network. - Loist, Skadi. 2015. „Queer Film Culture: Performative Aspects of LGBT/Q Film Festivals.“ PhD Thesis, Institut für Medien und Kommunikation, Universität Hamburg.
- Prommer, Elizabeth, and Skadi Loist. 2015. Who Directs German Feature Films? Gender Report 2009-2013. With the assistance of Heike Hausmann, Julia Natusch, Pauline Raabe und Tina Rudolf. Rostock: University of Rostock, Institute for Media Research.
- Loist, Skadi, Sigrid Kannengießer, and Joan Kristin Bleicher, eds. 2013. Sexy Media? Gender/Queertheoretische Analysen in den Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften. Critical Media Studies 3. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Diepenbroick, Dorothée von, and Skadi Loist, eds. 2009. Bildschön: 20 Jahre Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg. Hamburg: Männerschwarm.