Pedagogical Relationships in Digitally Supported Educational Processes (PaedBez).

The BMBF-funded project, in collaboration with the Hochschule für angewandte Pädagogik (HSAP, University of Applied Pedagogy), is investigating how pedagogical relationships between students and teachers change in educational processes in which digital media are systematically used.

Project start:
Project completion:
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How students can learn successfully depends on many factors. It is not only important which teaching materials they are equipped with – the social relationship that exists between students and teachers is always decisive as well. Traditionally, teachers are experts who prepare the subject matter and convey it to the learners. In the course of digitalization, however, it is often observed that younger people have a clear knowledge advantage when it comes to digital media. However, little research has been done to date on how this shift in competence affects the relationship between teachers and learners and how a good pedagogical relationship can be designed in digital educational contexts.

This is where the joint project of the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and the Berlin University of Applied Pedagogy (HSAP) comes in. The interdisciplinary team is investigating how pedagogical relationships change in educational processes in which digital media are systematically used. To investigate new tasks, roles, and expectations as well as practical media use in this context, the researchers are conducting various survey and observation studies in a mixed-method design. The aim is to identify factors for digitally supported educational processes that promote an appreciative pedagogical relationship between students and teachers.

The focus of the subproject ‘PaedBez MEDIEN’ is on systematizing and preparing theoretical knowledge about media acquisition practices and the media habitus of teachers and learners. Based on this, the overall empirical project is designed, and the qualitative survey studies and the Mobile Experience Sampling Method study (MESM) are implemented. In addition, the research project develops and evaluates a workshop concept with recommendations for action and implementation in order to structure pedagogical relationships in digitally supported educational processes. It is to be used both in schools and in the training and continuing education of teachers. The findings are also intended to benefit the management of educational institutions, parents, and the political governance level.



  • Fecke, Malin, Fehr, Ada, & Schlütz, Daniela (2022, 07. Oktober). „Der ethische Weg ist halt nicht immer der, mit dem man die besten Ergebnisse bekommt“: Einschätzungen von Lehrpersonen zur Erforschung von Klassenchats als forschungsethisch besonders herausfordernden Untersuchungsgegenstand. Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Medienpädagogik der DGPuK, 07. Oktober 2022, Hamburg.

  • Fecke, Malin, Fehr, Ada & Schlütz, Daniela (2022, 25. Mai). Beyond Technical Boundaries: Broadening the Scope and Reach of Online Group Communication Research. Workshop im Rahmen der 19th annual ICA Mobile Pre-conference 2022: Emerging Trends and Practices Around the Globe in Mobile Media & Communication, 25. Mai 2022, Paris.

  • Meier, Adrian, Fecke, Malin, Fehr, Ada, Schlütz, Daniela, Karnowski, Veronika, Naab, Teresa K., & Schnauber-Stockmann, Anna (2022, 22. Feb.). In-situ-Forschung in der Lehre: inhaltliche und didaktische Konzepte für die Vermittlung situationsbezogener Forschungsmethoden. Workshop im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), Februar 2022, Hannover.
  • Fecke, Malin, Fehr, Ada, Schlütz, Daniela, Zillich, Arne (2021, 01. Okt.). Researching pupils’ online group communication in school class group chats – Ethical issues as methodological challenges? Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Methoden der DGPuK, Oktober 2021, Wien.
  • Fecke, Malin, Fehr, Ada, Schlütz, Daniela (2021, 16. Sept.). Der Einfluss der Online-Gruppenkommunikation von Schüler*innen auf ihre partizipativen Fähigkeiten als Bürger*innen von morgen. Vortrag auf der gemeinsamen Herbsttagung der Sektion und der Fachgruppe Medienpädagogik (DGfE & DGPuK), 16.-17. September 2021, Leipzig. 
  • Fehr, Ada, Fecke, Malin & Schlütz, Daniela (2022, 06. Oktober). Die Mobile Experience Sampling Method (MESM) in der Kinder- und Jugendmedienforschung: Chancen und Herausforderungen. Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Medienpädagogik der DGPuK, 06. Oktober 2022, Hamburg.
  • Lang, Alexander C., Tellisch, Christin, Schlütz, Daniela, Fehr, Ada, & Fecke, Malin (2021, 01. Okt.). Pädagogische Beziehungen in digital unterstützten Bildungsprozessen (PaedBez). Projektpräsentation beim EdTech Research Forum 2021 des BMBF-Metavorhabens „Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich“ zum Schwerpunktthema "Wissenschaftskommunikation", Oktober 2021, Online-Tagung.
  • Schlütz, Daniela, Fehr, Ada, Fecke, Malin & Tellisch, Christin (2021, 16. Sept.). Partizipative Mediendidaktik als Einfallstor für ziviles Engagement. Vortrag auf der gemeinsamen Herbsttagung der Sektion und der Fachgruppe Medienpädagogik (DGfE & DGPuK), 16.-17. September 2021, Leipzig.
