Prof. Dr.-Ing. Angela Brennecke

Dr.-Ing. Angela Brennecke

1Room 6112Tel: +49 331 6202 305a.brennecke(at)


Angela Brennecke is professor of "Audio and Interactive Media Technologies/Application Development" in the Creative Technologies programme and dean of faculty II at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF.

Angela Brennecke graduated as an engineer in Computational Visualistics (Dipl.-Ing.) from the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg in 2004 and completed her doctorate in Computer Graphics (Dr.-Ing.) at the University of Rostock in 2009. After working as a software developer and technical project manager for Native Instruments GmbH and as a project engineer for the innovation projects of Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, Angela Brennecke was appointed as a professor at the Film University in 2017. Here, she helped set up and develop the new Master's degree programme Creative Technologies, introduced in 2016. Together with Prof Dr Lena Gieseke and Prof Dr Björn Stockleben, she has also been leading the Creative Exchange Studio (CX Studio) research group since 2022, which deals with media technology research topics.

Teaching & Research Interests

Angela Brennecke's teaching and research focuses on the development of interactive audiovisual applications and their related questions. She is also passionate about working and experimenting with new music technologies, for example in the context of musical compositions, virtual environments or interdisciplinary projects. Primary research interests include the following topics:

  • Application development (audio, graphics, interaction)
  • Computer music and audio programming
  • New Musical Interfaces und Music Technologies
  • Eco Acoustics in Natural and Virtual Environments
  • Cultural Heritage

Selected projects

  • Sonic Futures (2023/2024): Within the framework of the IKF Sponsorship Award project „Sonic Futures“, Ula Przybylska explores methods of emphasising and supporting the wisdom of nature and biodiversity through the use of new technologies.

  • Listening to Climate Change (2022-2024): As part of the artistic-scientific research project „Listening to Climate Change“, post-doctoral researcher Dr Eleni-Ira Panourgia is investigating speculative soundscapes that could emerge in the future as a consequence of climate change.

  • AR-Cookbook (2022/2023): As part of the „AR-Cookbook“ teaching research project, an AR application was developed in cooperation with the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), which provides information on sustainable development in the field of plant research in the context of a recipe.

  • Climate Science Fiction (2021/2022): As part of a cooperation project with HTW Berlin and the scenography and film music study programmes, various AR experiences were developed that make interactive visions of the future tangible in a playful way.

  • The CTech Online Album (since 2020): As part of the course ‘Theoretical Backgrounds of Audio & Graphics’, students of the Creative Technologies degree programme develop their own audiovisual tracks, which are collected and published in the „CTech Online-Album“.

  • The Virtual Theremin (2020-2022): As one of the outcomes of the ERDF-funded co-‚operation project „Medienkollisionen“ an interactive web-based theremin instrument was developed.

  • IVA Research (2020): As part of the „Interactive Visual Audio“ (IVA) teaching research project, a C++-based application was developed that records users movements via a webcam and converts them into sounds.


  • Usabaev, B., Eschenbacher, A. and Brennecke, A. (2021): The Virtual Theremin: Designing an Interactive Digital Music Instrument for Film Scene Scoring. KUI ’21, September 23-24, 2021, Berlin, Germany.

  • Püst, S.; Brennecke, A. and Gieseke, L. (2021): Interaction Taxonomy for Sequencer-Based Music Performances. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (2021).

  • Brennecke, A., Traber, M., Stimberg, S., & Stockleben, B. (2020): Interactive Image Driven Sound. In Mensch und Computer 2020 (MuC’20), September 6–9, 2020, Magdeburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages.

  • Stimberg, S. & Brennecke, A. (2020): Bathing in Lightness: An Interactive Light and Sound Installation. In Mensch und Computer 2020 (MuC’20), September 6–9, 2020, Magdeburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages.
  • Elazari, H. & Brennecke, A. (2018): Memories - A Concept for an Interactive Projection Mapping Installation. Kultur & Informatik: Hybrid Systems, pp. 125-130.
  • Patz, N., Brennecke, A. Fuhrhop, C. (2016): Interactive Storytelling & Audio Apps for HbbTV: Forum Medientechnik und All Around Audio Symposium, 23./24. November 2016, St. Pölten.
  • Brennecke, A. (2009): A General Framework for Digital Game-Based Training Systems. Dissertation, Universität Rostock 2009.
  • Brennecke, A. und Schumann, H. (2009): A General Framework for Digital Game- Based Training Systems. IADIS Game and Entertainment, pp. 51–59. 
  • Brennecke, A., Schlechtweg, S. und Schumann, H. (2008): Game-Based Training in an Interactive Environment by means of OpenCrimeScene. Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2008, pp. 167–170.
  • Brennecke, A., Panzer, C. und Schlechtweg, S. (2008): vSLRcam—Taking Pictures in Virtual Environments. The Journal of WSCG, 16(1–3):9–16.
  • Brennecke, A., Schlechtweg, S. und Strothotte, T. (2007): OpenCrimeScene Review Log: An Interaction Log in a Virtual Crime Scene Investigation Learning Environment. Computer Graphics Theory and Application 2007. pp. 185–190. 
  • Isenberg, T. und Brennecke, A. (2006): G-Strokes: A Concept for Simplifying Line Stylization. Computer & Graphics, 30(5):754–766.
  • Isenberg, T., Brennecke, A., Sousa, M. C. und Carpendale, S. (2005): Beyond Pixels: Illustration with Vector Graphics. Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Canada.
  • Brennecke, A. und Isenberg, T. (2004): 3D Shape Matching Using Skeleton Graphs. Simulation und Visualisierung 2004. pp. 299–310.