Prof. Björn Stockleben

 Björn Stockleben

Professor of Emerging Media Production

1Room 1419Tel: +49 331 6202 236b.stockleben(at)

Björn Stockleben is a Professor of New Media Production in the Film and Television Production program of Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. He teaches interdisciplinary production processes with a particular focus on the integration of design and software development, content-related services, and the development of formats for novel media technologies and platforms. Moreover, he studies for a PhD in the field of data-based decision-making processes in media management at the Tampere University of Technology, Finland. He performs research on perceptive media, online-based creative processes, and big data in the creative industry.    

From 1997 to 2003, he studied Media Studies, Media Technology, and Informatics at Hochschule für bildende Künste Braunschweig (Braunschweig University of Art) and Technische Universität (TU) Braunschweig. Between 2004 and 2016, he was involved in the innovation projects of Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg as a project engineer and user experience designer and contributed to various EU research projects on ​​the development of content and services for new media technologies and platforms. From 2010 to 2016, he coordinated the Cross Media M.A. program of the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. He is co-founder of the Nokia Ubimedia Mindtrek Awards (2007 to 2014) and the durchgedreht24 film festival (established in 2003).


New media production

Films/ Projects/ Publications

  • Stockleben B, Thayne M, Jäminki S et al.: Towards a framework for creative online collaboration: A research on challenges and context. Education and Information Technologies (2016).
  • Stockleben B: Marktforschung vs. User Experience Research: Der böse Zwilling?, In: Think CROSS – Change MEDIA. Crossmedia im Jahr 2014 – Eine Standortbestimmung, BoD, Norderstedt, 134-155 (2014).
  • Stockleben B & Lugmayr A: Issues and Topics to Consider for Information Management Research in eMedia Industries. In: International Series on Information Systems and Management in Creative eMedia. 1 (2). 42-46 (2013).
  • Lugmayr A, Stockleben B, Zou Y, Anzenhofer S, Jalonen M: Applying “Design Thinking” in the context of media management education. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 1–39 (2013). <doi:10.1007/s11042-013-1361-8>
  • Stockleben B: Entrepreneurial Journalism im Kontext der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie. In: Think CROSS – Change MEDIA: Eine Standortbestimmung im Jahr 2012. BoD, Norderstedt. 105-118 (2012).
  • Pogorelc B, Vatavu Radu-Daniel, Lugmayr A, Stockleben B, Risse T, Kaario J, Lomonaco E, Gams M: Semantic ambient media: From ambient advertising to ambient-assisted living. In: Multimedia Tools and Applications. 58 (2). Springer. 399-425 (2012).
  • Stockleben B & De Abreu-Pereira N: Radio Frames - Personalization of audio programs. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Berlin (ICCEBerlin). 306-310 (2011).
  • Lugmayr A, Risse T, Stockleben B, Laurila K, Kaario J: Semantic Ambient Media - An Introduction. In: Multimedia Tools and Applications - Special Issue on Semantic Ambient Media Experience. 44 (3). Springer. 337-359 (2009).
  • Lugmayr A, Igreja M, Stockleben B, Castro H, Wolf I, Feiten B, Vorne P, Castro Torres J: Adoption of the MPEG-21 digital broadcast item model (DBIM) towards QoS metadata management. IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, 2008. AQTR (2008).
  • Stockleben, B: Approaches towards a mobile interactive platform. In: TICSP Adjunct Proceedings of EuroITV 2007 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2007, TICSP Series 35 (2007).
  • Schiek U, Steckel P, Stockleben B: Kompaktes, plattformunabhängiges Framework für interaktive Dienste mit Trennung von Design, Funktionalität und Inhalt. ITG-Fachbericht Elektronische Medien 188. 83-87 (2005).