
FUCHSTEUFELSSCHATTIG is what Jennifer Beitel and Markus Traber call their installation "shadowing", which they regularly perform with their company Fuchsteufels. Everything started with a study project by Jennifer in 2018. Afterwards Jennifer and Markus continued to work diligently on the project and have since exhibited it several times.

Shadowing is a kind of photo-booth, with which visitors* can take pictures of their shadows and download them directly to their own mobile phone. As an extension Markus has developed an AI voice assistant, which accompanies visitors interactively through the recording process in an entertaining way.

"The project gives a voice to our shadow, which feels completely neglected because of all the selfies."

Get to know the foxes: the company Fuchsteufels.



  • Photoresistor (on Arduino Micro): Light barrier to detect if people are close enough to the canvas
  • Kinect 360: Track if people pass by
  • Microphone: Speech recognition
  • Speaker: Speech synthesis
  • Monitor: Visual representation of KAI and photo download

Software: Java, JavaScript, Arduino, etc.

#interaction #installation #physical_computing #creative_coding

Further Information

Time and Place: On-going

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke