Gala Hernández López
I am an artist filmmaker and researcher based between Paris and Berlin.
I am a PhD Candidate in Aesthetics and Media Theory at Paris 8 - Vincennes Saint-Denis University, ESTCA laboratory. My artistic research project reflects on screen capture as a media in post-internet film and art. I am currently a ATER/Assistant Professor in Visual Studies and Digital Art at the Université Gustave Eiffel after having taught for 3 years at Paris 8 University. I co-founded and co-direct the association After Social Networks. I am currently a visiting PhD researcher at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf (Germany) thanks to a doctoral research scholarship of the German DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst).
My medium-length film La Mécanique des fluides will have its premiere in october 2022 in FIFIB Bordeaux (France) and DOK Leipzig (Germany). I have edited several issues of academic journals (Contratexto, Images Secondes, Multitudes), published in international journals (Interfaces, Digital War, Marges, Augenblick, Écrans) and participated in collective books, such as Captures d'écran (Yellow Now, 2022), L'art tout contre la machine (Hermann, 2021), L'essai médiatique (LISAA éditeurs, 2022) or Radical film at the dawn of a new society (K-Verlag, 2022).
My work combines interdisciplinary research with the production of essay films reflecting on the processes of individuation and the new modes of subjectivation produced specifically by computational digital capitalism. Particularly interested in approaching from a feminist, poetic and critical prism the discourses and imaginaries circulating in eminently masculine online communities, my film The Mechanics of Fluids is the first of a series of experimental documentary essays – that will be followed by HODL (in development) – both proposing a reflection on the politics of representation of contemporary masculinity on the internet in its articulation to algorithms and digital flows of data, signs and capital.
- PhD title: “The camera is the screen. Screen capture in post-internet film and art”
- screen capture; documentary cinema; experimental film; video art; post-internet art; desktop films; essay film
- « Tras la(s) historia(s) de los lugares: la memoria y el tiempo en el Easy Rider de James Benning », Repositori UPF, available online, 2016.
- « Salir del scroll. Por una mirada offline sobre la imagen digital » (« Getting out of scroll. Towards an offline gaze on the digital image »), introduction of the 34th issue of Contratexto, « Reinventions and new poetics of cinema in the post-internet era », Department of Communication, University of Lima (Peru). December 2020.
- « Contes d'été virtuels. Le surcyclage de la vidéosphère dans Roman National», in Rodolphe Olcèse, Vincent Deville (eds.), L’art tout contre la machine, Paris, Éditions Hermann, 2021.
- « Du vernaculaire comme genre cinématographique », Interfaces Journal, nº42, december 2020.
- « Notes on the role of the camera within a (virtual) war », Digital War 1/1, January 2021.
- Notice « Recyclage », in Roberto Barbanti, Isabelle Ginot, Makis Salomos, Cécile Sorin (eds.), Arts, écologies, transitions. Construire une référence commune, London, Routledge, 2022.
- « Common Images. What post-media does to cinema », in Post-mass-media and participation, Augenblick Journal, n.80, 1/2021.
- « La pratique du remploi face à internet », in Captures d'Ecran, Crisnée, Éditions Yellow Now, mai 2022.
- « Flux numérique, flux de pensée. L'essai numérique comme poétique de la navigation à l'ère du capitalisme cognitif », in Langlet, Irène et Ouaked, Chloé (eds.), L'Essai médiatique, coll. Savoirs en textes, LISAA, 2022.
- « Sexe, mensonges et vidéo. Vérité et visibilité de l’intime en régime porno-médiatique », avec Allan Deneuville, Revue Écrans, Classiques Garnier, avril 2023.
- « Un hombre visto de lejos. Animismo y ecología en Histoires de glace », in Albornoz, Ignacio, Pinto, Ivan (eds.), Raul Ruiz. Elogio del barrio, Metales Pesados, Santiago, mars 2022.
- « S’approprier l’effondrement », co-written with Deneuville Allan; Papillon, Ariane; Sorel, Ysé, in Marges, 35, L’art face à l’urgence écologique, 2022.
- « Do incels dream of computational capitalism? On feminist film at the dawn of a new (statistic) misogyny », in Julia Lazarus, Ursula Böckler (eds.) Radical Film at the dawn of a new society, k-verlag, Berlin, 2022.
- « Un âge de nouvelles enquêtes? », with Allan Deneuville and Jacopo Rasmi, in Revue Multitudes nº89, december 2022.
- « Temps réel, illusion d’immédiacie et sousveillance: le cinéma face à "l’image que jamais nous ne verrons deux fois" », with Ariane Papillon, Revue Études Digitales, 2023.
- "Où gît notre hacker enfoui?", Art Critique, 4th October 2021 [+ podcast in Les Voix de l'Art]
- " L'information fusionne avec la popularité et la rentabilité. Entretien à Hito Steyerl",AOC Media, 17th December 2021.
- "À la recherche du temps perdu. L'Année de la découverte, de Luís López Carrasco", Revue Débordements, 6th April 2020.
- Co-editor, with Alejandro Pena, of issue 34 of the journal Contratexto: "Reinventions and new poetics of cinema in the post-Internet era",Department of Communication, University of Lima, Peru, december 2020.
- Co-editor, with Chloé Galibert-Laîné, of Number 3 of the journal Images Secondes,"Post-cinéma: practices of research and creation", february 2022.
- Co-editor, with Allan Deneuville and Jacopo Rasmi, of the dossier "Contre-enquêtes open source", revue Multitudes nº89, december 2022.