A director who does not know how to position himself is looking for answers about an app where people meet for fighting. He meets disturbing and sympathetic users who can not be of different nature. In addition there is also an entrepreneur and inventor of the App who seems to be gloryfying violence and who is advertising the app through short clips . Quickly a commonality among the users are getting clearer. They all unite the rush of adrenaline.
- camera:
Jakob Weidner
- editor:
Oliver Stumpf
- music:
Robert Pilgram
- music:
Marcus Sander
- production:
Jonatan Geller-hartung_Fubs
- production:
Thuy N. Pham
- director:
Ruben N. Meier
- sound:
Michael Holz
- sound:
Elisabeth Sommer
- sound:
- Eric Lehmann
Etiuda&Anima International Film Festival