Mohammed (18) lives with his eccentric and rebellious brother Lakhdar (27) in the dilapidated former family home in Berlin-Tegel. The young Palestinian with a passion for motorcycles seeks orientation in a world of men. Between the madness of his possessive brother, Lakhdar, and his precarious job at the motorcycle workshop, Mohammed becomes increasingly unstable and alienated. He takes a radical decision.
- screenwriter:
Sophie Z. Ahrens
- screenwriter:
Aline Fischer
- camera:
Maurice Wilkerling
- production:
Jan Malte Mocka
- production:
Sophie Z. Ahrens
- director:
Aline Fischer
- editor:
Jamin Benazzouz
- sound:
Vensan Mazmanyan
- music:
Matija Strniša
- Mischtonmeister/in:
Vensan Mazmanyan
- production design:
Paola Yannarella
- editor:
- Jörg Volkmar
- main cast:
Hussein Eliraqui
- main cast:
Bodo Goldbeck
- main cast:
Denis Golmé
- main cast:
Sebastian Günter
- main cast:
- Oktay Özdemir
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