Prof. Dr. Jens Eder

- Media Studies
Main Research Interests
- Theory and analysis of audiovisual media (cinema, television, web video)
- Narration, emotion, fiction, documentary
- Dramaturgy, rhetoric, reception and impact aesthetics
- Current media discourses and socially relevant media strategies
Current Research Interests
- Audiovisual media in social contexts and political conflicts
- Audiovisual forms and strategies on the web (video activism)
- Emotions and audiovisual media
Jens Eder studied philosophy and literature with a focus on media. He worked for several years in media practice, including in the field of screenwriting. After writing a book on narrative structures in popular film, he completed his doctorate in 2002 on characters in feature films and habilitated in 2011 with a thesis on emotions in audiovisual media. From 1999, he taught film, media and communication studies at the universities of Hamburg, Mainz and Mannheim. Since 2017 he has been working at the Film University Babelsberg in the interdisciplinary professorship for storytelling and aesthetics.
Current research projects
- Research Group Attention Strategies of Video Activism in the Social Web (1st project phase: Movement Images 2.0. Video Activism between Social Media and Social Movements), together with Britta Hartmann and Chris Tedjasukmana. Funding: Volkswagen Foundation (2015-2021). URL: .
- Graduate School Sensing - On the Knowledge of Sensitive Media within the Brandenburg Centre for Media Studies (ZeM), together with colleagues from the University of Potsdam and the FH Potsdam. Funding: Volkswagen Foundation (2018-2022), .
Publications (selection)
Further published texts can be downloaded here:
- Bewegungsbilder. Politische Videos in Sozialen Medien, with Britta Hartmann and Chris Tedjasukmana. Berlin: Bertz + Fischer 2020.
- Die Figur im Film. Grundlagen der Figurenanalyse [Understanding Characters. Theory, Analysis, Interpretation]. Marburg: Schüren 2008, 2. Aufl. 2014 (an English edition is planned to be published in 2022)
- Was sind Figuren? Ein Beitrag zur interdisziplinären Fiktionstheorie. Paderborn: Mentis 2008.
- Dramaturgie des populären Films. Drehbuchpraxis and Filmtheorie. Hamburg: Lit 1999, 3. Aufl. 2007.
Published books and journals (selection):
- #Emotions. Thematic section of NECSUS,edited by Jens Eder, Julian Hanich and Jane Stadler, 2019.
- Image Operations. Visual Media and Political Conflict. Edited by Jens Eder and Charlotte Klonk. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2017.
- Medialität and Menschenbild. Edited by Jens Eder, Joseph Imorde and Maike Reinerth. Berlin: de Gruyter 2012 (Reihe „Medienkonvergenz“ Bd. 4).
- Characters in Fictional Worlds: Understanding Imaginary Beings in Literature, Film, and Other Media. Edited by Jens Eder, Fotis Jannidis and Ralf Schneider. Berlin: de Gruyter 2010.
- Audiovisuelle Emotionen. Emotionsdarstellung and Emotionsvermittlung durch audiovisuelle Medienangebote. Edited by Anne Bartsch, Jens Eder and Kathrin Fahlenbrach. Köln: Herbert von Halem 2007.
Articles in journals and anthologies (selection):
- Film: The Affective Specificity of Audiovisual Media. In: Routledge Handbook of Literature and Emotion, hrsg. v. Patrick Colm Hogan. New York: Routledge (vorauss. 2021).
- Affekt- und Emotionstheorie des Films. In: Handbuch Filmwissenschaft: Theorie – Geschichte – Analyse, hrsg. v. Britta Hartmann, Ursula von Keitz, Markus Kuhn, Thomas Schick, Michael Wedel. Wiesbaden: Springer (vorauss. 2021).
- Figuren der Animation. In: Handbuch Animation Studies, hrsg. v. Franziska Bruckner, Maike Reinerth. Wiesbaden: Springer (vorauss. 2021).
- Political Impact – On the Societal Vibrancy of Film. In: What Film Is Good For: Varieties of Ethical Experience in Cinematic Spectatorship, hrsg. v. Julian Hanich und Martin P. Rossouw. University of California Press (vorauss. 2021).
- (zus. mit Britta Hartmann) Film Studies and Citizen Media. In: The Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media, edited by Mona Baker, Bolette B. Blaagaard, Henry Jones and Luis Pérez-Gonzalez. London: Routledge 2020, 170-184.
- (zus. mit Chris Tedjasukmana) Video Activism on the Social Web. In: Radical Film Cultures: Networks, Organisations, Activists, edited by Steve Presence, Mike Wayne and Jack Newsinger. New York: Routledge 2020, 41-52.
- Rechte Videos and Affekte in Sozialen Medien. In: Zwischen Feindsetzung and Selbstviktimisierung: Gefühlspolitik and Ästhetik populistischer Kommunikation, edited by Lars Koch and Thomas König. Frankfurt: Campus 2020, 177-202.
- (mit Julian Hanich and Jane Stadler) Media and Emotion: An Introduction. In: NECSUS Special section #Emotions, edited by Jens Eder, Julian Hanich and Jane Stadler, 1.6.2019.
- Collateral Emotions: Political Web Videos and Divergent Audience Responses.” In: Cognitive Theory and Documentary Film. Edited by Catalin Brylla and Mette Kramer. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2018, 183-203.
- Empathie and existentielle Gefühle im Film. In: Empathie im Film. Edited by Íngrid Vendrell and Malte Hagener. Bielefeld: Transcript 2017, S. 237-270.
- Affective Image Operations. In: Image Operations. Visual Media and Political Conflict. Edited by Jens Eder and Charlotte Klonk. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2017, S. 63-78.
- Films and Existential Feelings. In: Projections. The Journal for Movies and Mind 10(2) 2016, S. 75-103.
- Aus der Täterperspektive: Nähe and Erkenntnis im Dokumentarfilm. Montage/AV 25/1/2016, S. 45-62.
- Transmediality and the Politics of Adaptation: Concepts, Forms and Strategies. In: The Politics of Adaptation. Media Convergence and Ideology. Edited by Dan Hassler-Forest and Pascal Nicklas. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2015, S. 66-81.
- Bilder der Finanzkrise. Interventionen des Dokumentarfilms. In: Montage/AV 23/2/2015, S. 35-58.
- Film and Digital Media. In: The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media. Edited by Marie-Laure Ryan, Lorie Emerson and Benjamin Robertson. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 2014, S. 191-196.
Research interviews (selection)
- TV Diskurs 4, 2016 ( )
- Stichwort Drehbuch 9.2.2017 ( )