Prof. Dr. habil. Lothar Mikos
Lothar Mikos studied Sociology, Psychology, and Communication & Theater Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. With his thesis on the integration of television series into audiences' everyday lives, he earned a PhD degree from Universität Dortmund. In his habilitation thesis that he wrote at Universität Leipzig, he examined the esthetics of television reception. Subsequently, he worked for the ARD Teletext editorial department for three years and, over a period of 15 years, as a freelance journalist for daily and weekly newspapers as well as radio and television stations, specializing in film, television, art, fashion, and popular culture. Moreover, he worked as visiting professor at national and international universities (Aarhus, Barcelona, Berlin, Florence, Glasgow, Gothenburg, Kassel, Klagenfurt, London, and Tarragona) and established the Television Studies Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). He is co-editor of several national and international journals and has been teaching at Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF (formerly known as HFF Konrad Wolf) since 1996. Mikos is a football fan (Borussia Dortmund) and music enthusiast (doom metal, funk, heavy metal, hip hop, indie, jazz, krautrock, rock, R&B, soul).
Media and Communication Studies
Research and Teaching Interests
- Television theory
- Economics of the global media culture
- Audience research
- Popular television formats
- Crossmedia film and television franchises
- International television format trade
- Digital challenges to audiovisual media
Selected Publications
- Qualitative Medienforschung. Ein Handbuch. 2nd revised and updated edition. Konstanz 2017: UVK/UTB (ed. with Claudia Wegener)
- Young and Creative. The Role of Creativity in Socialisation Processes. Gothenburg 2017: International Clearinghouse for Children, Youth and Media (ed. with Ilana Elea)
- The Export of Nordic Stories. The International Success of Scandinavian TV Drama Series. In: Nordicom Information, 38, 2, 2016 (with Susanne Eichner)
- Television Drama Series and Transmedia Storytelling in an Era of Convergence. In: Northern Lights: Film & Media Studies Yearbook, 14, 1, 2016
- Digital Media Platforms and the Use of TV Content: Binge Watching and Video-on-Demand in Germany. In: Media and Communication, 4, 3, 2016
- Opferrolle und Glücksversprechen. Ein analytischer Vergleich dreier Aschenputtel-Verfilmungen. In: TelevIZIon, 29, 1, 2016
- La adaptación alemana de Yo Soy Betty, la fea. The German Adaptation of Yo Soy Betty, la fea/ Ugly Betty. In: DeSignis, 23, 2016
- From The Office to Stromberg: Adaptation Strategies in German Television. In: Continuum – Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 29, 5, 2015
- Film- und Fernsehanalyse. 3rd revised and expanded edition. Konstanz 2015: UVK/UTB
- Nordic Noir. Skandinavische Fernsehserien und ihr internationaler Erfolg. Konstanz 2014: UVK (with Lea Gamula)
- Transnationale Serienkultur. Theorie, Ästhetik, Narration und Rezeption neuer Fernsehserien. Reihe Film, Fernsehen und Medienkultur 05. Wiesbaden 2013: VS Verlag (ed. with Susanne Eichner and Rainer Winter)
- Mediensozialisationstheorien. Neue Modelle und Ansätze in der Diskussion. 2nd revised and expanded edition. Wiesbaden 2010: VS Verlag (ed. with Dagmar Hoffmann)
- Innovation im Fernsehen am Beispiel von Quizshow-Formaten. Konstanz 2009: UVK (with Stefanie Armbruster)
As well as further books and essays in journals since 1981.
Selected Research Projects
- Qualitätsserien aus Deutschland. Eine Studie zum Selbstverständnis von Autoren und Produzenten
- Formen der Bewegtbildnutzung im digitalen Zeitalter
- Die Rezeption dänischer Fernsehserien in Deutschland
- Der Video-on-Demand-Markt in Deutschland – Angebot und Nutzung
- DIVSI U-25-Studie. Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene in der digitalen Welt (in collaboration with Sinus-Institut)
- Die Programmpromotion der Fernsehsender TVE1, TVE2, DR1, DR2, SVT1, SVT2
- Erzähltraditionen im Kinderfernsehen der Welt
As well as further research and development projects.
Further Activities
- Mentor in the "Gertrude J. Robinson Mentoring Program for Communication Scientists" of the German Communication Association (DGPuK)
- Inspector of the Voluntary Self-Regulation of Television Association (FSF)
- Consultant of the Media Expert Committee of the German Culture Council (Deutscher Kulturrat e. V.), head of the committee between 2011 and 2016
- Chairman of the board of trustees of the German Children's Media Foundation "Goldener Spatz"
- Member of several film and television festival / awards juries