At the Potsdamer Lichtspektakel 2019 (Potsdam Light Spectacle 2019) CTech and animation students illuminated the Brandenburg Gate on two evenings for the "Showcase Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF".
The following projects where presented as part of the showcase:
Emergenz by Franziska Pätzold (Creative Technologies)
To be seen are Berlin's dogs. They're not? They are! Photos are the basis of the kaleidoscopic effect. The further the shapes move, the more dogs appear.
Kantentanz by Elisabeth Jakobi and Camille N. Geissler (Animation)
The moon inspires dreams.
Dichter könnten Maler gewesen sein by Faulty Agatha (Creative Technologies)
If words were colors, poets would have been painters.
Experiments by Felicia Bergstroem (Animationsregie)
Schwarmpräsenz by Simon Stimberg (Creative Technologies)
The interactive projection translates the presence of passers-by into small creatures that explore the building's façade and unite with the traces of other visitors to form a collective entity.
Official websites of Potsdamer Lichspektakel and Brandenburg Gate
Hardware: Projector Panasonic PT-DZ21K2, ESP 8266 Micro-Controller with WiFi, Infrared Sensor, USB Power Bar, Arduino
Software: Processing, Mad Mapper, TV Paint, etc.
#projection_mapping #creative_coding #animation #interaction #physical_computing
Further Information
Time and Place: 01.-03.11.2019, Potsdam
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke