
We are pleased that you are interested in studying at our university. Here you will find information about the application process as well as about the documents and work samples you must submit.

Admission can only be granted to those who meet the admission criteria and have successfully demonstrated their artistic eligibility for the respective program. The procedure for determining artistic eligibility is divided into preselection and eligibility assessment and is carried out in accordance with the currently valid regulations and statutes of the Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF.

The link to the university application portal can be found in the application process under Section 1 - Application Instructions.

Application Deadline

Applications are accepted only once a year for the winter semester. The application period begins on 14 April and ends on 15 May 2025. Please note that this is a receipt deadline, not a postmark deadline.

Attention: Please note that changes regarding the application deadline and the procedure for determining program-specific eligibility are possible. We therefore recommend that you check this website regularly for information.

Application Process

1. Notes on the Application Process

All applicants must apply online. Please use the Film University's application portalfor this purpose.

If you hold a foreign certificate and have already registered and applied using uni-assist, you must additionally apply on the Film University's application portal regardless of this.

ATTENTION! Shortly before the application deadline, server problems and delays in the online application process may occur due to many (last minute) applications. So do not wait until the last day of the deadline! Applications and late submissions after the application deadline will not be accepted!

ATTENTION! You should have prepared all the required files before registering in the university application portal.

Please note:

  • Applications in paper form will NOT be considered.
  • Registration/application in the university application portal is exclusively possible during the application period. Please note that the application deadline is a cut-off deadline.
  • An administrative fee is charged for the application. Applications for which the administrative fee has not been remitted will not be considered for the assessment procedure.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered for the assessment procedure.
  • You can track the processing status of your application in the university application portal. Please refrain from making inquiries by telephone.

1.1. General documents

  • Curriculum vitae in table form (PDF)

1.2. Proof of Master Program Entrance Qualification

If you have acquired your master program entrance qualification in Germany, please inform yourself about the required proof in the paragraph 'German Certificate’. If you have acquired your qualification outside Germany, please inform yourself about the required documents you must submit under ‘Foreign Certificate’. For the M.A. Directing the regulations of Section 10 para. 5-6 BbgHG (Brandenburg Higher Education Act) apply.

German Certificate:

Please submit proof (PDF) of a completed Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree in Directing or a comparable subject-specific degree.

Please note: In the event that the Bachelor degree is not yet available due to missing individual examination achievements, please submit certification (PDF) from the examination office of your current university. The certification must show that, based on your examination results to date, you can be expected to complete your Bachelor degree in good time before starting your Master program.

Foreign Certificate:

If you have gained your Master program entrance qualification abroad, you must have your certificates reviewed and evaluated by uni-assist e.V. before applying. The processing time can be up to 6 weeks. Please take this into account in your scheduling. The examination is subject to a fee and must be completed before the end of the application deadline. Please upload the pre-verification document (Vorprüfungsdokument, VPD), which you will receive from uni-assist e. V., together with the other application files in the university application portal.

In the event that you are unable to submit your Master's entrance qualification (Bachelor's, Diplom, ....), which you will acquire abroad, by the end of the application deadline due to missing individual examinations, please submit a current transcript of records from your current university to uni-assist e.V.. Then uni-assist will check in advance whether your university and your planned degree are recognized. At uni-assist, you will then be listed as a so-called "case of doubt (ZF)" until you submit your successful degree to uni-assist. After another check, you may receive a "preliminary examination document (VPD)", which you must then submit to us!

Please note:

  • This requirement also applies if you are a German citizen.
  • Special regulations apply to applicants from the Republic of India, the People's Republic of China and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, please inform yourself.

1.3. Proof of German Language

If you obtained your university entrance qualification at a non-German-speaking institution and do not hold German citizenship, you must provide evidence of sufficient German language proficiency at least at the DSH-1 level or an equivalent language certificate according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Please upload this with the other application files in the university application portal.

The recognized language examinations for the Master program Directing are detailed here.

If you do not have a language certificate of the level required by the degree program by the application deadline, you can apply if you have a language certificate of at least level B1.

An application without a language certificate or a language certificate with a lower level than B1 is incomplete and will not be considered for the assessment procedure.

1.4. Work Samples

Focus of Study: Documentary Film

  • A professionally produced documentary film directed by the applicant. The film should provide an overall impression of the applicant's artistic orientation and subject(s) of interest. If the film was created in teamwork, clear documentation of the applicant's own contribution is required (MPG, MPEG, MP4, MOV, 1 GB).
  • A treatment for an artistic directing project for the graduation film (minimum 5, maximum 10 pages). All subgenres are accepted, such as essay film, web documentary, short series, etc. A financing and exploitation concept must also be included.
  • A written documentation of work that provides an overall impression of the applicant's artistic position (1 to 2 A4 pages).
  • A written statement of the objectives and plans that the applicant intends to achieve with the Master program (1 to 2 pages). 

Focus of Study: Feature Film

  • A professionally produced feature film directed by the applicant. The film should provide an overall impression of the applicant's artistic orientation and subject(s) of interest. If the film was created in teamwork, clear documentation of the applicant's own contribution is required (MPG, MPEG, MP4, MOV, 1 GB).
  • A treatment for an artistic directing project for the graduation film (minimum 5, maximum 10 pages). A financing and exploitation concept must also be included.
  • A written documentation of work that provides an overall impression of the applicant's artistic position (1 to 2 pages).
  • A written statement of the objectives and plans that the applicant intends to achieve with the Master program (1 A4 page).

The restrictions specified by the university application portal apply. Video files must be playable in current browsers without additional software/codecs.

2. Pre-Selection

Based on the materials submitted, the admissions committee will decide which applicants will receive permission to take the admission test and inform them in writing.

3. Admission Test

Focus of Study: Documentary Film

Creative / Practical Assignment:

  • Making a short film on a given topic


  • Interview on the applicant's artistic and personal profile

  • Pitching the submitted project; speaking about the submitted project and also about specific interests and motivation

  • Demonstrating a grasp of methodological and technological specialized knowledge when discussing how to realize the project

Focus of Study: Feature Film

Creative / Practical Assignment:

  • Making a short film on a given topic

Written Assignment:

  • Creation of a short script based on a literary text


  • Interview on the applicant's artistic and personal profile
  • Pitching the submitted project; speaking about the submitted project and also about specific interests and motivation

  • Demonstrating a grasp of methodological and technological specialized knowledge when discussing how to realize the project

The admission test results will be communicated in writing to the applicant no later than 4 weeks after the last test.

ATTENTION! Shortly before the application deadline, server problems and delays in the online application process may occur due to many (last minute) applications. So do not wait until the last day of the deadline! Applications and late submissions after the application deadline will not be accepted!

Program Office

Do you have questions about the application?

General and formal questions - Student Affairs section

You can send general queries and formal questions about your application by e-mail to studienbewerbung(at)

Subject-specific questions - Office of the degree program

To clarify subject-specific questions, you can contact the degree program office.

Please also note the opportunity to obtain information at our Open Day (always on the first Saturday in November).