Online workshop for EXIST applications: "How to run your business"

Which legal form should I choose for my company? Which location is suitable for the company's headquarters? And what position do the founders take on in the company? In our upcoming EXIST workshop on Friday, June 30, 2023 between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., we will deal with the area of business organization and the various aspects of the effective structuring of companies.

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In our interactive EXIST workshop on business organization, you can expect an intensive examination of various key aspects. Together we will explore the variety of organizational models, shed light on process optimization as a driver of efficiency and productivity, and highlight the importance of clear communication within the company. We emphasize practical insights and concrete tips that will help you strengthen your business organization and drive business growth. 

Our workshop content includes a comprehensive look at the core principles of business organization. Not only will you gain in-depth insight into various organizational models, but you'll also learn how to effectively apply them to your business. There is also a focus on process optimization that will help you increase the efficiency and productivity of your business. Through a detailed explanation of the choice of legal form and its rationale, you will gain clarity on the legal structure of your business. We will then justify the choice of location for your business by highlighting the various factors considered in the selection process. We will also look at the aspects of corporate governance, including the listing of shareholders/partners and their roles in the company. The responsibilities of the founders will be explained in detail to ensure an effective distribution of tasks and clear role definitions. In addition, we will present a brief outline of human resource planning in order to plan staffing needs and optimal resources for your business.

During our workshop on business organization, we will take an in-depth look at the following topics:

  • Introduction to the EXIST-Gründerstipendium (start-up grant).
  • Choice of legal form and justification
  • Choice of location
  • Company management and shareholders
  • Responsibilities and areas of responsibility
  • Personnel planning
  • Elaboration and discussion of the own project plan and sharpening of the descriptions especially for the EXIST application
  • Outlook and agreement on next steps 

Registration: Please register under this link: 

We look forward to welcoming you to our EXIST workshop on company organisation and to working together on the basics for a successful company structure.

This seminar is part of the EXIST Potentials project MOVE2startup of the start-up service and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). With MOVE2startup, we are further developing the content of our start-up offer and setting new impulses for creative innovations and self-employment.