MOVE! Summer of Ideas

Designing Your Life - two-part Design Thinking Workshop

This workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Joann Halpern (Director, Hasso Plattner Institute, New York) and Nils Karn (Senior Lecturer for Design Thinking at IUBH).

Datum / Dauer:
15. – 22.09.2021
16:30 – 18:30
Anmeldung bis :

Designing Your Life – Workshops

15.9.2021, 16:30-18:30

22.9.2021, 16:30-18:30

This is a two-part workshop. It is is based on the book, Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. Each session will last two hours with a one-week break between sessions. The workshop uses Design Thinking to help participants develop a constructive approach to designing their careers and their lives. The workshop focuses on four concepts, which will be developed through an online presentation, exercises, and reflection. Topics covered include Energy-Engagement Maps, Odyssey Plans, Fixed vs Growth Mindsets, and Workviews/Lifeviews.

The workshop will be conducted entirely online with a minimum of 10 participants in English.

For registration please send a direct email with the subject “DYL registration” to Nils Karn: nils.karn(at)

Please don`t hesitate to ask questions about the workshop via email.

You will be provided a Zoom link 3 days ahead of the workshop.


Dr. Joann Halpern

Dr. Joann Halpern is the director of the Hasso Plattner Institute, New York, an adjunct professor of International Education at New York University, and a Design Thinking coach. She regularly conducts Designing Your Life and Design Thinking workshops in the United States, Europe, Africa, South America, and Asia. Dr. Halpern was the founding director of the German Center for Research and Innovation, New York and a recipient of the Harvard University Award for Distinction in Teaching. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Dartmouth College, her Master’s Degree from Harvard University, and her PhD from New York University.

Nils Karn

Nils Karn holds a Magister Artium in Vocational Education with minors in Psychology and Business Economics as well as a Design Thinking degree from the HPI School of Design Thinking. In the last five years he has trained people in Design Thinking all over the world in universities and NGOs. Nils Karn coached companies and academic institutions in applying Design Thinking for their projects to build solutions based on their needs. The energy of Design Thinking is one of his driving forces, especially when empowering students, academics and future entrepreneurs by designing their lives.

Alle Angebote und Termine von Move! Sommer der Ideen auf der gemeinsamen Veranstaltungsseite aller Partner:

Hinweis: Diese Veranstaltung ist ein Angebot in Partnerschaft mit dem neu gestarteten EXIST Potentiale Projekt MOVE2startup des Gründungsservices und wird gefördert mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi).

Dr. Joann Halpern (Director, Hasso Plattner Institute, New York)
Nils Karn (Lecturer for Design Thinking at IUBH)