MOVE! Ideenfest 2022 (international students welcome. see englisch version below)
Freitag bis Sonntag, 11.-13. November 2022 | Haus 1 Filmuniversität
Wir feiern die Schönheit spannender Projektideen.
Es ist wieder Zeit, deine Projekte (weiter-)entwickeln und andere unternehmerische Talente kennenlernen.
Im Rahmen unseres dreitägigen Ideen- und Projekt-Events laden wir Dich sowie Studierende und Alumni aller Hochschulen und
Disziplinen zum Austausch und zur Zusammenarbeit an unternehmerischen oder künstlerischen Projekten an die Filmuni in Potsdam-Babelsberg.
Dazu laden wir zu Präsentationen aktueller Studierendenprojekte und vom Gründungsservice im Rahmen von EXIST geförderter Gründungsprojekte.
Melde dich jetzt an und nutze die Gelegenheit deine Projektidee auf die nöchste Stufe zu bringen,
oder einfach nur mit anderen Studierenden in den Austausch zu kommen.
kostenfreie Anmeldung | Early Bird Anmmeldung und mehr infos:
via Email: | Buche ein Beratungstermin via Calendly
Timing: MOVE! IdeaFest 2022
- 11th - 13th November, 9.30 – 18.00
- 12th November, Music & Get Together (from 18.00)
offen für alle Studierende, Academische Mitarbeiter*innen and Alumni
Sprache: English | German
Leistungspunkte: 2 ECTS (bei eingereichter Pitch-Präsentation), zusätzlich 2 Leistungspunkte bei Abschluss und Abgabe des Self-Creativity Trainings von Christian Byrge.
Folgt uns auf Instagram
(english information)
MOVE! IdeaFest 2022 is an transdisciplinary student training & matching event for Bachelor & Master-level. The event is hosted at 3 universities and led by Film University. In this on-site hands-on coaching event you'll gain creative and entrepreneurial competencies and develop confidence to produce meaningful and novel ideas in your field of study, external field of practice and professional career. The event promotes creative and critical entrepreneurial thinking through systematic practice and transdisciplinary work with other students (such as MINT, economics, design, social sciences etc.). Meeting mentors and coaches from a variety of disciplines will accompany the student teams and projects.
The MOVE! IdeaFest 2022 is framed by a Self Creativity Training through winter, which is introduced through MOVE! Ideafest 2022!
More information:
Timing: MOVE! IdeaFest 2022
- 11th - 13th November, 9.30 – 18.00
- 12th November, Music & Get Together (from 18.00)
Open for: All students, academic staff and alumni
Language: English | German
Max. attendees: 30 attendees MOVE! IdeaFest 2021, 15 attendees from various universities (creativity self training incl. prep class | each)
Credit Points: 2 ECTS (when submitted pitch presentation of your work), additional 2 Credit Points when finishing and submitting the Self-Creativity Training provided by Christian Byrge.
or via Email: | Book a personal consultation via Calendly
Creative Self Training - Description:
Creativity is one of the most influential human characteristics that fosters development, flexibility, change and compliance to new ideas. It is also the most important workforce skills for the future. For working in Film, Media and Creative Industries creativity is key for sustainable personal growth, but also for developing individual offers, professional approaches, adapting to new technologies or even developing business ideas within the creative and filmmaking industry of today and tomorrow.
Become a transdisciplinary idea wizard: Enable your strength as an innovative, get practical entrepreneurial knowledge and exciting insights from other disciplines, benefit from impulses by mentors and coaches.
Become a creative: Gain creative competencies and creative confidence to produce meaningful and novel ideas at will. Systematically, from understanding creativity - to master it like a second nature through meaningful practice.
Develop your creative strength so that you, as a creative professional, bring in your full potential.
Join other creative thinkers and doers and generate ideas meaningful to the the future of the creative and media-industries.
What's included?
The course will include research-based hands-on lecturing, but most importantly, the course will be full of creativity training exercises practicing everything from cognitive flexibility, idea combination, imagination, sense for novelty and persuasion.
Prerequisite: Ability to work in a team and willingness to contribute your own ideas and group work as well as constructive feedback. The lectures and instructions will be performed in English. You are allowed to perform your daily creativity training in German
or English, as you like.
PhD Christian Byrge is a full professor in creativity as well as an associate professor in business creativity. He achieved his PhD degree for his research on enhancing creativity in education as well as in companies and public institutions. He has published several research papers and books on how to nurture creativity. Christian has been designing creativity modules, courses and programs in all education forms. This includes the development of a novel bachelor program on Creativity & Business Innovation and a master level
program on Creative Genius. Christian has invented several creativity toolkits that have been taught to more than 100.000 professionals worldwide.
The qualified media scientist Jörn Krug heads the start-up service of the Babelsberg Film University and the MOVE2startup project. He is the contact person for all questions about entrepreneurship and creativity at the university. Jörn Krug supports students, alumni and academic staff - from the first idea to the transition to the market. He also offers advice, support and media-specific start-up training as well as coaching with external partners. He specialises in innovations in entertainment media.
As the former founder of an award-winning multimedia storytelling studio, M.A. Daniel Nauck is co-responsible for the MOVE2startup project in the start-up service of the Babelsberg Film University KONRAD WOLF. He develops trainings, connects with external partners and supports founders with their EXIST application. In addition to his work, Daniel Nauck is working on a doctoral project. His subject area is innovation management at new born organizations in the creative industries with a focus on audiovisual, interactive and immersive media.
Hinweis: Diese Veranstaltungsreihe ist ein Angebot im EXIST Potentiale Projekt MOVE2startup des Gründungsservices und wird gefördert mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi). Mit MOVE2startup werden wir unser Gründungsangebot inhaltlich weiter entwickeln und neue Impulse für kreative Innovationen und Selbstständigkeit setzen. mehr