Transmedia Storytelling: Camilla Plastic Ocean Plan

Co-kreative Visualisierungen von wünschenswerten Zukünften: Seit 2015 sind mehr als 300 Student*innen, Alumni und Profis aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt inzwischen daran beteiligt.

Project start:
Project completion:

The project started at Film University Babelsberg because the worldwide media present often environmental problems in a way that makes us feel gloomy and hopeless. Consequently, people start ignoring facts. However, what about the future we want to live in? Can’t we use the expertise of storytelling in movies to design pictures of a desirable world?

Do we need new narratives if we are serious about climate goals? How can you combine knowledge, emotions and ideas from a wide range of people? Are there any co-creative storytelling methods?

New things are very often created by a combination of things that have never been combined before. With a mix of artistic imagination and fantasy-setting on environmental problems CPOP is a mind opener backed by scientific expertise from the renowned Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research. The scientists willingly cooperate with us in creating a worldwide multi-disciplinary space to solve this complex issue.

Artistic research with the method of transmedia storytelling uses the short-story about Camilla as red line for the works and guide thought the exhibition. Based on scientific collaboration, numerous artists create works like paintings, concept art, sculptures, 360degree-short-movies, and VR-experience.

CPOP is offering an alternative point of view on environmental problems. People need inner pictures from things they want to reach. First, you need an emotional idea from the world you want to create. Then you will find the way.

In 2019 a Masterclass brought together experts and students from all over the world. This was supported by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and the European Union S.T.ARTS-project and additional funding.

Project Lead: Prof. Angelica Böhm, Grundlagen der Szenografie, Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Contact: a.boehm(at)


Funding: DAAD, S.T.ARTS, ZEM