Anna-Sophie Philippi

 Anna-Sophie Philippi

Academic Assistant Media Studies

1Room 1316Tel: +49 331 6202 218a-s.philippi(at)

Anna-Sophie Philippi studied Media and Communication Studies and Economics (BA) at the University of Mannheim (2011–2015) and Media Studies (MA) at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF (2015–2018). In her PhD thesis "Phagic Images" (AT) she focuses on Brazilian film of the 1970s. In addition, she explores videography as a practice of research and teaching. Moreover, she is interested in educational concepts to encourage more sustainability at universities.


Prior to her academic work, Anna-Sophie was an independent film producer and co-founded the production company Contando Films with Michael Fetter Nathansky and Virginia Martin. This experience continues to shape her film thinking and viewing today.



  • History of Brazilian film
  • History, theory and analysis of film genres
  • Videographic practices
  • Sustainability and film / Sustainability and education (ESD)



  • «Intertextualität, Zeitlichkeit, Kritik – Der Arbeiter als ‹recycelte Figur‹› in A QUEDA (1976)» [Videoessay], Annual Conference of the German Society of Media Studies (GfM), Halle, September 2022.
  • «Videographische Arbeit als dokumentarische Praxis», together with Dr. Maike Sarah Reinerth, Annual Concference ‹Dokumentwerden. Zeitlichkeit| Arbeit | Materialisierung› in Bochum, May 2022.
  • «Der Mund im brasilianischen Film der 1970er-Jahre. Groteske Konfigurationen», Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftliches Kolloquium (ffk) Weimar/online, March 2021.
  • «Hunger und Affekt. Eine poetologische Analyse des brasilianischen Kinos von 1970–1985» [Projektskizze], Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftliches Kolloquium (ffk) in Braunschweig, March 2020.



  • «#AnimationMatters» (together with Dr. Maike Sarah Reinerth). In: Animationstudies 2.0. (11.10.2021) [video essay]
  • Themenheft Brasilien. Montage AV 30.1 (2021). Marburg: Schüren. [guest editor and translator]
  • «Solomon, Stefan. ed. 2017. ‹Tropicália and Beyond: Dialogues in Brazilian Film History› (2020)». Comparative Cinema, [online] 8 (15), 127–30. [review]



  • Participation at the 1-year-program «University Teaching in the Context of Sustainability» (2022–23), funded by the Foundation Innovation in Higher Education.
  • Symposium «Videography: Art and Academia. Epistemological, Political and Pedagogical Potentials of Audiovisual Practices» (02.–04.11.2022) together with Dr. Maike Sarah Reinerth, Dr. Evelyn Kreutzer and Prof. Dr. Kathleen Loock, funded by the VW Foundation.
  • Interdisciplinary research project «Creating Knowledge. Videographic-essayistic Research as an epistemological instrument» (2021) together with Dr. Maike Sarah Reinerth, funded by Film University Babelsberg.
  • PhD Scholarship by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (2020–2022).



  • Salidas (2020, experimental/dance film, 10 min., producer)
  • Sag Du Es Mir (2019, fiction feature, 102 min., co-producer/creative producer); premiere at Festival des Deutschen Films in Ludwigshafen
  • Un Cuento Sin Tí (2019, documentary, 28 min., producer post-production)
  • Gabi (2017, short fiction, 30 min., producer); premiere at Berlinale, awarded with the German Short Film Award