This PhD project deals with digital media, artistic narrative practices, and marginalized urban collectivities in Latin America. Emphasizing the epistemological potential of artistic research, the project investigates narrative mechanisms in digital media. It critically reflects and contextualizes its artistic process and methodology in the theoretical section by relating them to philosophical concepts such as the rhizome, figures of possibilities, and forms of speculative narrative. In addition, the project engages with an artistic tradition in Latin America that approaches marginalized spaces of living as cartographies of disruption that challenge received narratives and concepts of territoriality. In this sense, the PhD project takes an interdisciplinary and intertextual methodological approach interweaving scholarly analysis and artistic practice. The aim is to give shape to a fictive urban space called "Villa Futuro", which addresses assemblies of the marginalized in their social, cultural, and technological aspects through transmedia storytelling, while at the same time reflecting on the critical and artistic possibilities of digital media.
- Project lead: Gonzalo H. Rodríguez
- Contact: mail(at)
- Website:
- CV: Gonzalo H. Rodríguez is a Peruvian media artist and artistic researcher living and working in Berlin, Germany. In his films, video scenographies, and installations, Rodríguez deals with different forms of narrative appropriation between the poles of subjectivity and objectivity, exploring the possibilities of radical fictions within reality as it is perceived. His works have won awards at festivals such as the Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen and the Videonale and have been shown internationally at CalArts, Kunstmuseum Bonn, 104 Paris, KW Berlin and PACT-Zollverein, among others. Rodríguez studied visual arts and design at the Universidad Católica and the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador, as well as media art at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne in Germany.
- PhD Advisors: Prof. Dr. Christine Reeh-Peters, Prof. Dr. Niklaus Largier (University of California, Berkeley)
- Scientific / artistic PhD in the discipline: Screenwriting / Dramaturgy