In the context of an expanded understanding of transfer, dialog with civil society is just as important to us as research and project cooperation with companies and scientific institutions. We are a place of open and cooperative exchange.
Transfer at the Film University Babelsberg is a creative process that builds on a cooperative and open dialogue with professional partners. Our cooperation activities are designed as a collaborative development of ideas, innovations, technologies, and services. Key values of our work are diversity, sustainability, and social participation.
Knowledge and technology transfer into all areas of society is a core task of the Film University. The fields of action of our transfer activities are enshrined in the transfer strategy. Internally, the organizational integration of research, transfer and young academic talent guarantees close cooperation and direct exchange.
Information on the topics of cultural entrepreneurship and business start-ups can be found on the pages of the Start-up Center.
Tim SoltauMore information: Tim Soltau Leitung Wissens- und Technologietransfer / Kooperationen
Susanne LöschMore information: Susanne Lösch Referentin Wissens- und Technologietransfer | Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
Funding Notice
The Transfer Office of the Babelsberg Film University is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Land Brandenburg. The Film University's Transfer Office contributes to the implementation of the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Federal State of Brandenburg innoBB2025 plus in the growth cluster ‘ICT, Media and Creative Industries’.