
We are pleased that you are interested in studying at our university. Here you will find information about the application process as well as about the documents and work samples you must submit.

Attention: Please note that the application information on this webpage is no longer up to date and is currently being revised. Meanwhile, please check our German-language pages for information on the application process. We hope to provide updated English application information on the website in October 2022.

Please note: As both the application deadline and the process of assessing applicants' aptitude for the program might change, please make sure to visit our website on a regular basis for up-to-date information.

Students who wish to be admitted to the program must meet the admission criteria and successfully prove their artistic eligibility to enroll. The assessment of applicants' artistic eligibility encompasses the pre-selection process and the admission test, both of which will be conducted according to the applicable regulations and statutes of Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF.

Only online applications will be accepted. The application form will be available during the application period (please see section 2. online application).

Application deadline

Applications are accepted only once a year for the Winter Semester. The application period is January 1, through January 30, 2025. Please note that this is a receipt deadline, not a postmark deadline.

Attention: Please note that changes regarding the application deadline and the procedure for determining program-specific eligibility are possible. We therefore recommend that you check this website regularly for information.

Application procedure

1. Application materials


All applicants have to submit the requested materials in section 1.1. to 1.5., section 1.3. applies only if the Higher Education Entrance Qualification was not obtained in Germany or at a German school abroad and the applicant does not have the German citizenship.

Please submit your application as one combined document with continuous page numbers, sorted in the following order and use loose binding, such as clip binders or plastic grips (no spiral, coil, comb or other fixed binding types).

Written application documents and work samples must be submitted in German.

1.1. General documents

  • The signed print-out of the online completed application form
  • Index
  • A CV in tabular form including information on the applicant's musical development (the ability to play the piano is a prerequisite)
  • An explanation why you wish to enroll in the program. Please sign the document

1.2. University entrance qualification certificate

The university entrance qualification complies with § 10, paragraphs 2 - 4 of the Brandenburg Higher Education Act.

German university entrance qualification certificate

  • i.e. a copy of the certificate proving your general or specialized university entrance qualification; applicants who do not hold either of the certificates mentioned above / an equivalent certificate are asked to submit their most recent school certificate

International university entrance qualification certificate

Applicants who have earned their degree abroad must have their certificates tested and assessed by uni-assist (further information uni-assist). Please consider that the recognition process at uni-assist can take between 6-8 weeks (you need the VPD document from uni-assist before our the application deadlines end). Fees are incurred for the checking of your application documents.

Please note: for applicants from the People’s Republic of China, Republic of India and the Socialistic Republic of Vietnam special arrangements apply.

1.3. Language requirements

International applicants holding a university-entrance qualification from a non-German-speaking institution are required to show that they have achieved an overall rating of at least DSH-1 in the DSH ("Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang" / German Language Test for University Admission) test or provide an equivalent language certificate complying with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Please submit a copy of the language certificate. Please inform about the accepted German language proficiency certificates of the study program.

If you do not have a language certificate of the level required by the degree program by the application deadline, you can apply if you have a language certificate of at least level B1.

An application without a language certificate or a language certificate with a lower level than B1 is incomplete and will not be considered for the assessment procedure.

1.4. Musical Education

Pre-requisite for admission is a musical education which included the ability to play the piano. Please outline your musical education in your CV.

1.5. Certificates / references of practical experience

Certificates / references (originals or certified copies!) providing evidence of at least 12 weeks of practical experience in the relevant professional field at the time of applying (PDF, max 5 MB/file). Certificates / references should detail the type, scope, and quality of work performed. Applicants are expected to have relevant practical experience, e.g.

  • in the field of professional audio, film, or television production or in the field of sound engineering
  • through professional training, e.g., as a television / radio engineer, boom operator, or audio engineer or training received at institutions such as SAE, Deutsche Pop, and Dekra
  • through internships at broadcasting institutions or recording studios

1.6. Medical certificate

  • A medical certificate (issued no longer than one year ago) showing that you have normal hearing capacity 
  • An audiogram (made no longer than one year ago)

2. Online-application

All applicants have to apply online. The online application form will be available only during the application period.

For each application, an administration fee of EUR 25 will be charged.

3. Submit your application materials

All application documents need to be handed in via regular mail as well as via email.

Clearly indicate your name and applicant number (you will find the applicant number on the print-out of the online completed application form) on all application materials and send them to the following address within the stipulated deadline:

Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Studiengang Sound Design for audiovisual media
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11
14482 Potsdam

Please send all texts, documents and certifications as one single PDF (labelled with your name and applicant number) via email to:

Eva-Katharina Wicke, study program Sound Design for audiovisual media, email: sound.bewerbungen(at) 



  • This is a receipt deadline, not a postmark deadline. Applicants who wish to personally submit their application documents can do so Monday through Friday at the university reception office / mail room.
  • Postal items requiring the payment of C.O.D. or customs charges upon receipt will not be accepted.
  • Applications that are incomplete and / or submitted after the specified deadline and / or for which the application fee has not been paid will not be processed.
  • We will confirm the receipt of your application in writing. Please do not call us to inquire about your application status. 

4. Pre-Selection

Based on the materials submitted, the admissions committee will decide which applicants will receive permission to take the admission test and inform them in writing.

5. Admission Test

Practical / Creative Assignment:

Applicant's will be asked to develop a sound concept for a silent video clip. This will allow for the assessment of their analytic and artistic / creative skills, power of observation, resourcefulness, and imagination. 

Written Assignment:

  • Identification of intervals, chords, and rhythms / assessment of the applicant's musical hearing
  • Basic music theory questions
  • Questions regarding the theory and sound engeneering practice of music

The admission committe can decide to conduct the practial/creative and/or the written assigmnent via online video conference. Applicants need to include a written statement in lieu of an oath that the completed assignments are the applicant's own work.

Depending on the results of the practical / creative and the written part of the admission test, applicants will be invited for a music test and an interview.


Music Test:

  • Applicants will be asked to play a piece of their own choice (e.g., Classical Music, Pop, Jazz) on the piano. Additionally, they may perform a piece of their own creation. If desired, they may perform another piece on a different instrument. 
  • Applicants are required to play a simple piano piece at sight.
  • Applicants are required to harmonize a simple melody at sight.
  • Musical hearing test with a higher level of difficulty than the exercises completed in the written part


Interview on the results of the written assignment as well as the applicant's professional motivation  and specific interests.

Normally, the admission test results will be communicated in writing to the applicant no later than 4 weeks after the last test.

For questions related to the program, please contact the program office to book an academic advising appointment.

ATTENTION! Shortly before the application deadline, server problems and delays in the online application process may occur due to many (last minute) applications. So do not wait until the last day of the deadline! Applications and late submissions after the application deadline will not be accepted!

Office of the Course

Do you have questions about the application?

General and formal questions - Student Affairs section

You can send general queries and formal questions about your application by e-mail to studienbewerbung(at)

Subject-specific questions - Office of the degree program

To clarify subject-specific questions, you can contact the degree program office.

Please also note the opportunity to obtain information at our Open Day (always on the first Saturday in November).