In our monthly EXIST workshops, we focus on the various aspects of the EXIST start-up grant, the most exciting funding program for founders from universities.
In addition to the innovation aspect of your idea, project planning also plays a decisive role. How can you convincingly communicate that your idea can be successfully implemented in the Exist phase, that you solve relevant problems and create added value? How do you differentiate yourself from existing products and what does a project-related work plan for the funding period and beyond look like?
We will pick you up where you are with your idea and work out the planning of your individual idea together, with which you can convince the EXIST application. If you don't have a concrete project idea yet or are unsure whether you are eligible for the EXIST grant: No problem! We will look at your idea together, talk to you about it and give you impulses on how to develop a concept from it. Our events are open to all interested parties and to those who are already working on their concrete application.
On Friday, March 31, 2023, it's all about project planning and these are our workshop contents:
- Introduction to the EXIST-Gründerstipendium.
- Introduction to the content of project planning (product development - marketing/sales - company set-up/financing)
- Development of a "roadmap" for the funding period and beyond (1.5 years - 3 years) with chronological classification (planned stages; sub-phases and milestones)
- Outlook on the planned further development steps up to market maturity, market launch, financing and revenue generation,
- Elaboration and discussion of the own project plan and sharpening of the descriptions specifically for the EXIST application
- Outlook and agreement on next steps
We have changed our registration procedure and now ask you to register directly via Zoom. Here you can also find the Zoom registration link to the event:
Depending on the needs of our participants, we offer our workshop in English and/or German.
More suitable events here.