Accreditation is an official procedure in which an independent body evaluates the competence and quality of a degree programme. It pursues the main objective of having the quality of study checked by an independent accreditation agency and developing it further, as well as improving the possibility of international comparison and therefore the transparency of the degree courses. Degree courses that are accredited often have a competitive edge.
All of the Film University’s degree programmes are currently accredited.
In the accreditation process, external experts evaluate the degree programme objectives, the degree programme concept and its implementation. Evaluation is a central requirement for accrediting degree programmes. The accreditation procedure involves checking that the degree courses comply with qualitative standards and structural requirements set by the Kultusministerkonferenz [German Education Minister Conference] (KMK) and by the Hochschulrahmengesetz [German Framework Act for Higher Education] (HRG).
Content, processes, feasibility of study, ability to work professionally and study conditions (study procedure and examination organisation, counselling and support services, equipment and spatial circumstances) are checked and assessed. The goal is to secure the quality of degree programmes and courses, achieve transparency and create process reliability. Degree programmes are generally accredited for a limited period of time. A renewed check is carried out in the form of re-accreditation when the respective time limit runs out, ensuring that the quality of the degree programmes is maintained.
Ordinance on the Regulation of Study Accreditation
How a degree programme is accredited:
1. Information and advice is provided to the dean of studies
2. Call for tenders for an accreditation agency
3. QM gives the degree programme templates for self-documentation and initial documents (examination regulations, module plans...) to the agency
4. The documents are released to the agency by QM, the praesidium and chancellor
5. Inspection with a group of evaluators
6. Review report by the accreditation agency is sent to the university
7. This is submitted to the Deutscher Akkreditierungsrat [German Accreditation Council] database (link ELIAS)

Documents regarding the accreditation procedure and all degree course self-documentation can be found on the intranet at:
Information for teaching => Quality management