Creative Entrepreneurship Challenge 2023

Work together with talents from other disciplines and unleash your professional, creative and entrepreneurial skills for new values. Create solutions for real-world problems. JOIN THE CHALLENGE!

Datum / Dauer:
25.04. – 04.07.2023
09:00 – 13:00
Anmeldung bis :
 (öffnet Vergrößerung des Bildes)

Inspiring challenges are waiting for you!

Our Goal: Creative Entrepreneurship means to put creative and entrepreneurial competences to work together. This seminar aims to prepare participants for a professional reality in which these practical competencies are increasingly demanded - whether in freelancing, founding a company, in projects or in employed work.

How? In this action-orientated workshop we will face current challenges in media and society with interdisciplinary problem solving. In interdisciplinary, cross-university teams, we work on particular relevance and originality for novel, creative business models. Since we work across disciplines and locations, the event is scheduled online. Each team will receive its own Miro board with numerous helpful tools.

For whom? The course aims at students, alumni and employees not only of the Film University, but also of our partner universities - within and outside the creative industries. We are looking for dedicated people who are interested in better understanding social and creative business challenges and solving them with novel entrepreneurial approaches! The only requirement: You are ready to apply your professional skills as a team player in novel fields.

When: Will be held on seven Tuesdays in the summer semester 2023.

Online Seminar 1: "Introduction to Entrepreneurship & Challenges", 25.04.2023, 9:00 - 13:00 CET

with challenge givers as guests

  •     Self-employment out of university: new challenges
  •     Lean Startup approach
  •     Divergent and analytical work - doubting standards
  •     Your challenges: briefing and first cases

Online-Seminar 2 "Teambuilding, Challenges & Ideation", 02.05.2023, 9:00 - 13:00 CET

  •     Short pitch of own cases
  •     Team building
  •     Introduction and tools for innovation and creativity
  •     Problem clarification and hypotheses

Online Seminar 3 "Storytelling & Feedback", 09.05.2023, 9:00 - 13:00 CET

  •     Stakeholder research and persona technique
  •     Questioning techniques
  •     Approaches for prototyping

Online Seminar 4 "Stakeholder Analysis", 23.05.2023, 9:00 - 13:00 CET

with guest experts

  •     "Design your Business.
  •     From solution to storytelling
  •     Feedback session

Online Seminar 5 "Presentation and Pitch Training", 06.06.2023, 9:00 - 13:00 CET

with guest trainers

  •     "House of Skills"
  •     Presentation training
  •     Short pitch and feedback on your challenge solutions

Online-Seminar 6 "Solution, Test and Business Model", 20.06.2023, 9:00 - 13:00 CET

  •     Testing hypotheses and prototypes
  •     Business Model Canvas
  •     Business Model

Online Seminar 7 "Final Event: Pitch Your Business", 04.07.2023, 9:00 - 13:00 CET

  •     Polishing the business model
  •     Short presentations for our challenge partners

Learning Outcomes:

Building on your professional knowledge, you will acquire entrepreneurial skills to apply your know-how in new contexts. You will gain insight into new professional fields and the needs of other disciplines, new target groups and potential clients. After the course, you will find it much easier to actively reconcile creativity, economic thinking and social responsibility.

About the speakers:

Jörn Krug, a graduate in media studies, is head of the start-up service at the Babelsberg Film University and the MOVE2startup project. He is the contact person for all questions regarding entrepreneurship at the university. Jörn Krug supports students, alumni and academic staff - from the first idea to the transition into the market. To this end, he offers advice, support and media-specific start-up training as well as coaching with external partners. He specializes in innovations in the entertainment media.

Tolga Tolun is a trained sound engineer and a creative media education professional. At Filmuni, he is committed to the development of creative entrepreneurship education and the development of a community for self-employment.

Paul Rieth is a consultant, speaker, lecturer and employee of the startup service in the MOVE2startup project. He specializes particularly on audience building, marketing and crowdfunding topics.

The presentation trainers Kristine Keil and Stephan Schillhave been supporting creative startup projects at the Film University since 2015. In the seminar, they will help you with all your questions about storytelling and pitching.

In addition, teachers and staff from our partner projects and universities will be active in the seminar.


Please click hereto register.


Ability to work in a team and willingness to contribute own ideas and group work as well as constructive feedback

Involved external partners or companies: planned, to be announced
Maximum number of participants: 35 (interdisciplinarity desired!)
Credit points: 2 ECTS (3 ECTS if a written concept is submitted)
Technical requirements: Zoom (access data via registration) and ideally Miro account.

Note: This seminar is part of the "EXIST Potentiale"-projekt MOVE2startupby the start-up service (Gründungsservice) and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate (BMWK). With MOVE2startup we will further develop the content of our start-up offer and set new impulses for creative innovations and self-employment.

Find similar events by "Gründungsservice" here.
