Open Theses
Here you will find an overview of current topics and ideas for student research projects of all kinds and currently open student research projects, bachelor theses, master theses and doctoral dissertations.
We are happy to collaborate with other study programs and universities and to take on the supervision of projects and theses from outside. In addition to inquiries with your own topics, you can also apply for the topics we have advertised here. We will develop specific questions together once a contact is established. The working language in our group is English, but you can also conduct research and write in German.
We are interested in all topcis from the overall field of Creative Technologies. Currently, however, the following topics and ideas are of great interest to us. Specific tasks from this collection of topics can, for example, focus on one or more of the following points.
- Technical / creative / artistic concepts and implementations
- Comprehensive inventories and comparisons of different methods / techniques / implementations
- Experiments, case- and user-studies
- Evaluation and analysis
- Critical reflection
Open Proposals
Currently, there are no specific proposals open...
If interetested in working together, please get in touch!