Dean of Students
Prof. Klaus HobohmMore information: Prof. Klaus Hobohm Professur Nature of Sound
Room 4208Tel: +49 331 6202 409Send an E-Mail
Prof. Klaus HobohmMore information: Prof. Klaus Hobohm Professur Nature of Sound
Room 4208Tel: +49 331 6202 409Send an E-Mail
Sebastian MorschMore information: Sebastian Morsch Professur für Tongestaltung
Room 4206Tel: +49 331 6202 380Send an E-Mail
Prof. Armin PommeranzMore information: Prof. Armin Pommeranz Professor of Music Theory and Composition
Room 4212Tel: +49 331 6202 383Send an E-Mail
Prof. Hubertus RathMore information: Prof. Hubertus Rath Professor of Sound Mixing and Sound Dramaturgy
Room 4207Tel: +49 331 6202 308Send an E-Mail
Academic Assistants
Robert GräfMore information: Robert Gräf Full-time instructor Sound B.F.A. program
Room 4204Tel: +49 331 6202 314Send an E-Mail
Stephan KötheMore information: Stephan Köthe
Room 4209Tel: +49 331 6202 766Send an E-Mail
Jakob MäselMore information: Jakob Mäsel
Room 4207Tel: +49 331 6202 309Send an E-Mail
Teacher for special assignments
Robert GräfMore information: Robert Gräf Full-time instructor Sound B.F.A. program
Room 4204Tel: +49 331 6202 314Send an E-Mail
- Noemi Hampel - Tongestaltung
- Thomas Kortüm - Multimediatechnik
- Philipp Kraetzer - Mathematik
- Benny Lackner - praktischer Tonsatz
- Dr. phil Robert Rabenalt - Tondramaturgie
- Thomas Kortüm - Multimediatechnik
- Stanley Schätzke - praktischer Tonsatz